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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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184 Assembly Proceedings, August 5-September 28, 1745.

Liber No. 46

'til now the recommending a Provision for Arms and Ammunition,
that Matters which most nearly concerned the Ease and Convenience
of the People, and lay nearest their Wishes, might take the first
Place, and find no Interruption, at least from me in their Progress.
But you will give me leave to say, I think it by no means convincing,
that the Provision for so necessary a Fund should be put off, because
of the unusual Length of Time already spent this Session: The
Safety of the Country demands such a Provision, and every Argu-
ment that recommends a proper Regard for the Ease and Conveni-
ence of the People, may with, at least as much Force and Justice, be
urged for a due Care for their Security and Defence; and surely
the Time, which need be very little, cannot be better spent than to so
good a Purpose. There are now several Bills prepared greatly ad-
vantageous to the Country, and agreeable to their most earnest De-
sires: Is it natural to believe your Constituents would in the same
Session in which they obtain so much, make so strange a Return, as
to refuse this Fund, which cannot be made use of but for their
Honour and Security ? And would not my Fate seem very particu-
lar, that at a Time when I am going to pass the most favourite Laws
with the People. I should be denied a Bill that has been given in
every Governor's Time for these forty years ?
What you mention with regard to the Sum already raised, I sup-
pose must proceed from your being unacquainted with what money
remains on that Fund, which is by no means proportioned, or suffi-
cient for the Purchase of Arms and Ammunition; therefore I desire
you will once more take this Affair into your Consideration, and
make such a Provision as will be suitable, to the Defence and Safety
of the Province, and other Exigencies which may happen in this
Time of an open and declared war. T. Bladen
Which being read, and a Motion being made to refer the Con-
sideration thereof to the first Day of November next, The Question
was put, whether the Consideration thereof be referred to that Day,
or not? Resolved in the Affirmative.

For the Affirmative

Mr Bond Mr Courts Mr Paca
Abell Smallwood John Hall
Harris W. Wilkinson Buchanan
Carroll N. Goldsborough Wootton
p. Hammond Lloyd Sprigg
Worthington I. Goldsborough Addison
Hen. Hall Hooper Bordley
Smith Lecompte Pemberton
Jos. Hall Pearce T. Hammond
Brome Hyland Purnell.
Mackall Sherredine


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1745-1747
Volume 44, Page 184   View pdf image (33K)
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