L. H. J.
Liber No. 46
Being read and assented to, was ordered, on Behalf of the House,
to be signed by the Honourable Speaker.
Mr Worthington and Mr John Goldsborough are sent to acquaint
his Excellency, that this House hath prepared an Address to him,
and desires to know when and where he will be pleased to receive it :
They return and acquaint Mr Speaker he will receive it immediately
in the Conference Chamber.
Mr Thomas and Capt. Hopper sent to present the Address: They
return and acquaint Mr Speaker they have presented it.
On Motion of a Member, that a Bill be brought in for issuing
Writs of Replevin out of the County Courts: Leave given, and
Ordered, that the Committee of Laws prepare and bring in the same.
The House adjourns to 2 of the Clock.
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment.
The Petition of the back Inhabitants of Prince George's County,
complaining of the Injuries done them by Deer Hunters, and pray-
ing that a Bill may be brought in for their Relief; read, and granted.
The House taking into Consideration, the Report from the Com-
mittee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice, relating to Thomas
Ireland junior, a Magistrate of Calvert County, and after having
heard the said Ireland by his Council,
Resolved, That the Proceedings of the said Ireland, in the said
Report set forth, is illegal and oppressive: And, Ordered, that the
Serjeant at Arms take the said Ireland into his Custody, and him
keep until he shall be duly discharged
The following ingrossed Address, viz.
To his Excellency Thomas Bladen Esqre Governor of Maryland
The humble Address of the House of Delegates of the said
May it please your Excellency
Your Message in answer to our Address praying an Account of all
the Fines and Forfeitures and the Amerciaments in the Provincial
p. 494
Court, that have arisen and been paid, and how and to what uses
applied in the Support of this Government, from the year 1715 to
this Time, to be laid before us, we humbly beg leave to say is by no
means satisfactory. Those Fines and Forfeitures are, some by the
Common Law, and others by Acts of Assembly, levied on the People,
and are taken of the People by his Lordship, or his Officers, under
the Authority lodged in him as Governor and executive Power of
the Laws of this Province; and as such we conceive he or his Officers
for him, are authorized to receive and take those several Articles but
in Trust, and for the Benefit only of that People among whom they
are levied: And altho' his Lordship as Governor, or those he shall