96 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 116
February 24
Thursday 24th February 1780
Present as on Yesterday —
Ordered That Mr James Williams be informed that the State has
no further use for his House lately occupied as an Hospital and that
the Rent of the same henceforth cease.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Meara Two thou-
sand Dollars to be delivered over to John Flattery and by him deliv-
ered over to Lieut Clement Skerrit of Capt. Browns Company of
Artillery due him in leiu of Articles allowed by the General Assembly
for the year 1779.
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 72
[Gov. Lee to Alexander Clagett Esqr. Shff. of Washington County.]
Sir The enclosed is a Pardon for Thomas Taylor a Prisoner in
your Custody. When you discharge him deliver him over to a Re-
cruiting Officer and desire the Officer to pay the pecuniary Bounty
that Taylor may be entitled to, to his wife who lives in Harford
County and who, with several Children are in extreme indigent Cir-
cumstances: In this Instance 1 think it not amiss to direct the Appli-
cation of the Continental and State Bounty of 450 Dollars, however
improper it might be in any other. Communicate this Letter to the
Recruiting Officer and inform me of his Name
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 116
February 25
Friday 25 February 1780
Present as on Yesterday —
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to John Ford a
Recruit one Suit of Cloaths the Bounty allowed by the late Act of
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Peter McNorton four
hundred and fifty Dollars the Bounty allowed to the above John
That the said Treasurer pay to John Brice Esqr five hundred
pounds for his Attendance in Council to this Instant.
That Capt George Keeports deliver to Lieut Samuel Farmer of
the 3d Regimt 20 pair Overalls for the use of the said Regiment.
February 26
Saturday 26th February 1780
Present as on Yesterday —
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Crisall
four hundred Pounds on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Jacob Crauford lately recom-
mended to an Ensigncy in the 2d Regimt three thousand Dollars to
be expended in the Recruitg Serv. & Accd for —