Prall, Edward, 109, 200.
Presbury, George Goldsmith,
Preston, Grafton, 7, 17, 34.
James, 17.
Price, Benjamin, 2, 4, 325-327,
338, 347, 348, 484, 487. Charles,
19, 373- James, 373. Thomas,
9, 146, 159, 165. 215, 224, 225,
258, 260, 277, 288, 289, 298,
308, 310, 323, 346, 426. Vin-
cent, 230.
Prince George's County, 4, 7, 8,
10, 13, 17, 20, 47, 57, 63, 75,
102, III, 112, 203, 2IO, 215,
221, 222, 239, 243, 258, 262, 264,
270, 271, 302, 318, 321, 328,
465, Soo, 517, 521, 523, 528.
Princess Anne, 268, 271, 342.
Pringle, Mark, 230, 233.
Prisoners, n, 21, 136, 208, 337,
344, 350, 357, 365, 377, 378,
405, 437, 448, 521. of British,
74, 75, 136, 147, 294, 302, 317,
328, 329, 350, 486, 487, 502,
503, 506, 507.
Pritchard, Obadiah, 2, 17.
Probate, William, 160.
Prout, John, 42, 115.
Provisions, 174, 188, 189, 194-
196, 202, 204, 212-214, 216,
218, 222-225, 233, 235, 237-241,
250-252, 258, 260, 269, 270,
274, 275, 279, 282, 316, 518,
519, 522.
Prudden, Daniel, 185, 502, 511.
Purchases, 20, 35, 212, 215.
Purdy, Edward, 97- Henry, 97.
Purnell (Purnall), John, 250.
Thomas (Sinepuxent), 18.
Purviance, Robert, 462. Samuel,
124. Samuel & Robert, 8o,
248, 291, 354, 415, 461.
Putnam, Henry, 97.
Pyper, Thomas, 321.
Quartermaster, 468, 469.
Quebbletown, 368
Queen Anne's County, 4, 19, 20,
26-28, 47, 57, 63, 85, 105, 112,
130, 132, 146, 161, 200, 208,
215, 223, 229, 243, 244, 271,
285, 301, 302, 382, 395, 419,
467, 476, 531. Queen Anne's
Hundred, 271. Queen of
France (Brig), 436.
Queenstown, 374, 412.
Quynn, Allen, 18, 28, 30, 32, 34,
41, 56, 68, 84, 99, 132, 141,
164, 179, 194, 220, 261, 308,
348, 444-
Ragan, Thomas, 181.
Ragsdale, Capt., 368.
Ramapo, N. J., 525.
Rambler (Schooner), 267, 285.
Ramsay, Andrew, 17. Nathan-
iel, 70, loo, 135, 136, 147, 148,
188, 195, 329, 487, 502, 506.
Ramsburgh, John, 114.
Rancher, James, 17.
Randall, Aquila, 35. John, 2, 3,
8-io, 12-15, 21, 36, 37, 40, 47,
58, 69, 70, 72, 117, 118, 138,
145, 173, 174, 182, 188, 200,
210, 213, 214, 250, 310, 311,
329, 366, 368, 377, 389, 426,
428, 433, 434, 456, 458, 465,
484, 488, 491, 492-
Randolph (Brig), 280.
Ranger (Brig), 148, 150, 479.
Rankin, George, 140, 488.
Rape, 170.
Rapier, Richard James, 18. Wil-
liam, 18.
Ratalack(Ratalick), Simon, 99,
Ratcliff, John, 251.
Rateen, 37.
Raveneau, Francis, 248.
Rawley, Walter, 37.
Rawlings, Mr., 382. David, Jr.,
22. Francis, 205. Isaac, 168,
169, 318. John, 467. Moses,
n, 21, 36, 55, 56, 69, 78, 79,
82, 84, 86, 93, 99, 132, 160,
180, ioo, 198, 208, 210, 215,
271, 272, 331, 335-337, 350, 356,
357, 364, 377, 392, 395, 424,
431, 463. William, 263, 285,
307, 308, 314. Rawlings's
Magazine near, 105.
Ray Benjamin, 120, 248. Jo-
seph, 132. Nicholas, 120.
Thomas, 271.
Raybolt, Jacob, 23, 295, 364.
Raymer, Michael, 520.
Razin (Rasin, Reason). Wil-
liam, 69, 71, 247, 255.
Read (Reade, Reed, Reid),
Capt., 336, 351, 356, 392. Mr.,
378. Ezekiel, 154, 236. John,
4, 148, 149, 211, 236, 272, 352.
John H., 18. Joseph, 203, 266.
Philip, 165, 169,
Recruiting, 47-50, 54, 58-60, 64,
66, 69, 73-75, 83, 85, 86, 98,
100, 102, 105, IOQ-III, 115,
118, 121, 123, 126, 129, 133,
141-144, 148, 154, 169, 176,
177, 187, 198, 202, 203, 205,
2IO, 211, 2l6-2l8, 222, 226,
229-235, 237, 240, 241, 245,
248, 251, 252, 254, 257-262, 268,
273, 287, 288, 292, 300, 316,
317, 397, 400, 424-426, 430-
433, 437, 446, 448, 454, 461,
465, 467, 468, 472, 474, 478,
480, 484, 489, 493, 499, 501,
509, 517-519, 522, 525, 526.
Redman, Alice, 306, 342.
Reeder, Henry, 18. Thomas,
493, 501, 502. Thomas Atta-
way, 18.
Reese, David, 129.
Register, Samuel, 320. of Wills,
4, 253, 349.
Reily (Riely), Edward, 326.
William, 219, 222, 224, 230,
252, 298, 530.
Reith, Robert, 5, 51, 76, 102,
126, 128, 159, 188, 210, 244,
275, 3io, 346.
Resource (Schooner), 282.
Revelly, Francis, 348, 352.
Revenge (Brig), 203.
Reynolds, Robert, 72, 79, 97, 115.
Rhintzell, Anthony, 248. Daniel,
Rhode Island, 425, 441.
Rich, Peter, 49.
Richards, Paul, 158. Preston,
150. Richard, 520.
Richardson, Daniel, 230. Joseph,
125, 154, 2.16, 470. Thomas,
20, 35, 152, 157, 195, 215, 222,
248, 262, 263, 291-293, 295,
345, 368, 463, 466, 479, 482,
501, 512. William, 23, 52, 390.
Richmond, Va., 247, 289, 494,
524, 525.
Ricketts, Benjamin, 120, 248.
Joseph, 248. Nathaniel, 271.
Nicholas, 62, 97.
Ridgely, Charles of William, 19.
Henry, 18, 28, 49, 114, 173.
Richard, 302.
Ridgeway, Samuel, 19, 27, 146,
Ridley, Matthew, 104, 145, 249,
297, 298, 499. Pringle & Co.,
291, 311.
'Rigby, ?? , 185. Mrs. Ann,
239. James Townley, 239.
Rigdon, Benjamin, 17. William,
Riggs, John, 175, 177.
Rightmire, Michael, 126.
Ringgold, Jacob, 208. James,
Ringrose, Aaron, 108, no, 252,
256, 443-
Ring tail, 357-
Rippath, James, 207.
Risteau, Abraham, 215, 276.
Rivers, John, 128, 187.
Roach, James, 18.
Roberts, Basil, 54- David, 105.
Horatio, 117. Thomas, 146.
William, 79.
Robins, John Purnell, 18, 19.
Robinson (Roberson), Genl.
(British), 502. John, 180.
Joseph, 32, 114, 125, 375, 376,
451, 499-
Robeson, Elijah, 18, 28, 143,
186, 257.
Rock Hall, 420.
Rodney, Caesar, 403, 454.
Rogers (Rodgers), ?? , 94.
Benjamin, 19, 514. John, 34,
44, 109, 124, 141, 202, 209,
222, 332, 463.
Rone, Paul, 188.
Roof, Adam, 188.
Root, Jesse, 362.
Roper, James, 9, 40, 233.
Ross, John, 14, 171, 188. Na-
thaniel, 155-
Round, Samue! H., 251.