263, 448. Regiment, 2d, 212,
222, 265. Regiment, 3d, S, 22,
23, 53-55, 59, 60, 65, 68-71, 85,
06, 98, IDO, log, IIQ, 121, 133,
142, 147, 148, 158, 164-166,
168, 180, 181, 188, 200, 226,
256, 270, 397, 445, 478. Regi-
ment, 4th, 1-3, 7, 14, 18, 59,
97, in, 112, 114, I37t ISO, 168,
170, 184, 185, 188, 219, 222.
Regiment, 5th, 5, 9, 12, 27, 47,
6o, 69, 71, 120, 144, 150, 164-
166, 169, 184, 187, 270, 412,
461. Regiment, 6th, 1-3, 14,
34, 64, 65, 92, 93, 97, 102, ill,
112, 115, 121, 123, 135, 138,
147, 154, 160, 165, 169-172,
175, 178, 179, 184, 185, 187,
223, 263, 273, 425, 482. Regi-
ment, 7th, 12, 34, 35, 54, 55,
59, 64, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80-82,
86, 99, 102, 114, 116, 117, 119,
122, 123, 126, 132, 135, 142-
144, 154, 165, 166, 168, 170,
I7S-I77, 180, 187, 209, 219,
222, 223, 397, 451.
Mason, Caleb, 69, 71, 74, 142,
182, 426. James, 132. Rich-
ard, 20. Thomas, 165, 166.
Massey, James, 146.
Master, Legh, 294, 302, 317.
Match staff, 160.
Matthews (Mathews), Mr., 286,
499. Bennett, 533. James, 45.
John, 517. William, 163, 230.
Mattingly, Charles, 181. Ed-
ward, 18. Henry, 8o.
Mattross, see Artillery.
Maugh, John, 57.
Maw, William, 116, 202.
Maxwell, James, 230. John, 302.
Robert, 16. William, 16.
May, —— , 378. Jennetta, 331.
Thomas, 230.
Maybury, Mrs., 133. Beriah, 7,
32, 49, 74, 75, 117, 299-
Maynadier, Henry, 118. Wil-
liam, 22, 31.
Meade (Geo.) & Co., 25. Thomas,
Meara, John, 96.
Mears, Zadock, 230.
Meat, 524.
Medicine Chest, see Drugs.
Merchants Coffee House, Balti-
more, 88.
Mercer, —— , 378. Julius, 181.
Meredith, James, 459.
Merekin (Merrikin), John, 12.
Joseph, 18, 28.
Merewether, Reuben, 18, 28.
Merian, Michael, 144.
Meroney, Philip, 54.
Merrit, William, 94, 113.
Merryman, Benjamin, 162.
John, Jr., 19. Nicholas, 162.
Messenger to the Governor, 6.
Methodists, 454-
Michels, Capt, 10.
Middlebrook, 368.
Middleton, Mr., 485. Ensign,
266. Gilbert, 325, 335, 336,
343, 357- Joseph. 97, 152, 153,
155, 195, 306. William, 124,
132, 134, 135, 156, 159, 160,
161, 174, 188, 191, 200, 205,
207, 221, 223, 226, 245, 246,
2s6, 270, 274, 275, 281, 282,
284, 309, 321, 328, 330, 331,
333, 334, 339, 345, 348, 349,
351, 357, 504, 524, 525. Theo.,
234, 273, 327, 328.
Miles, —— , 451. Henry, 19, 271.
John, 37. Josias, 287. Robert,
220. Samuel, 281.
Militia called out, 509, 515, 525,
Millard, Francis, 18.
Miller, Adam, 210, 250, 307, 348.
Jacob, 520. Josias, 234, 273,
Richard, 16. Samuel, 230.
Millit, George, 181.
Mills, Cornelius, 8, 16, 25. John,
18, 532. Leonard, 533-
Milner's Landing, 207.
Minitre, Gifford, 73.
Minor, William, 303.
Mister, Stephen, 247.
Mitchell, John, 57, 1 18, 163, 321-
323, 327. John Pope, 18. Na-
thaniel, 125.
Mitinger, Jacob, 5.
Moale, John, 19, 59, in, 452,
Mockby, Brock, 120.
Molasses, 494.
Molly (Sloop), 23, 24, 372, 435.
(Schooner), 105, 206.
Monbos, see Manbos.
Money, Depreciation of value,
249. Transferred from East-
ern to Western Shore, 116,
194, 219.
Mong, Adam, 34.
Monmouth, N. J., 388.
Montgomery, Rev. Mr., 168.
Robert, 291. County, n, 20,
47, 54, 55, 63, 79. -83, 86, 105,
120, 133, 146, 157, 170, 215,
222, 248, 257, 262, 286, 287,
291, 295, 321, 345, 404, 416,
450, 496, 517.
Moore (More), John, 57, 465.
John W., 120. Nicholas Rux-
ton, 230, 233. William, 200,
203, 523. Zedekiah, 2, 4, 34.
Moran, Edmond, 273, 301, 326,
Morfit, Thos., 386.
Morgan, David, 23, 295, 364.
William, 17, 37, 101, 104.
Morman, Thomas, 138.
Morris, Sergeant, 461. Cofne-
lius, 114,451. John, 68, Jona-
than, 165. Robert, 150, 202,
235, 238, 256, 369, 406, 440.
William, 188. (Schooner),
127, 128, 145, 438, 455.
Morristown, N. J., 262, 266, 377,
386, 389, 390, 397, 406, 424,
426, 428, 430, 433, 455, 457.
479, 486, 508, 517, 526.
Morsel, James, 473.
Morton, John, 19.
Moses, Isaac & Co., 109.
Moss, Mrs. Eve, 227.
Mount Pleasant, 360, 368, 379.
Moylan's Regiment, 446.
Muir, John, 9, 14, 32, 40, 45,
84, 98, ill, 119, 122, 150, 179,
196, 199, 203, 219, 256, 262,
275, 208, 305, 315, 333, 358.
Mullikin(Mullican), Capt., 524.
James, 4, 17, 203.
Mundell, Robert, 124.
Murder, 85, 191, 417-419, 428.
Murdock, Benjamin, 234, 254,
272, 338, 463- Charles, 342.
William, 172.
Murphy, Mrs. Elizabeth, 227.
James, 212. John, 175, 178,
179. Patrick, 86.
Murray, Alexander, 203. Ed-
ward, 119. James, 38, 160, 219,
265, 269, 276, 302, 308, 311,
312, 334, 494- John, 162.
Thompson, 114, 451.
Murray Hill, 364.
Murrens John, 132.
Muse, Walker, 168.
Mushit, —— , 512.
Myers, Christopher or Chris-
tian, 23, 81, 295, 364.
Nailor, George, Jr., 57.
Nanjemoy, 271.
Nansemond, 393.
Nantes (France), 443, 478, 499-
Nanticoke River, 271.
Naturalization, 270.
Nautilus (Schooner), 358.
Neal, Raphael, 18.
Neary, Sergt., 368, 386, 39L
John, 36, 40, 64, 105.
Necessity (Schooner), 264.
Needles, John, 6, 13, 132.
Negro, 24, 26, 27, 32, 53, 82,
103, 125, 146, 182, 216, 253,
257, 287, 343, 352, 376.
Neighbour, John. 86.
Neighenbough, Thomas, 150.
Neil (Neill), William, 132, 249.
Nelson, Henry, 248. John, 69,
70, 322.
Neptune (Schooner), 104.
Nevil, James, 200.
Newcomb, Samuel, 115. Wil-
liam, 132.
New Hampshire, 436, 509.
New Jersey, 38, 107, 444, 512,
Newman, Bixby, 146.
New Market, 529.
New Providence, 294, 302, 317.
Newton, William, 98, 140.
Willis, 7, 236.
Newtown, 477. Chester, 533.