468, 470, 472, 473, 475, 476,
484, 485, 495, 406, 502, 504,
509-512, 517, 518, 522, 528.
Landing 271.
Indians, 462.
Innes, James, 360.
Ireland, George, 57. John, 18.
William, 22.
Irvine (Irving), Matthias, 226.
Thomas, 342.
Isabel, Mrs. Mary, 227.
Isabella (Schooner), 132.
Jackson, —— , 446. Elizabeth,
170. Henry, 19, 215, 267, 312.
William, 501.
Jacob (Jacobs), —— , 392.
Adam, 520. Gabriel, 272, 352.
George, 75, 187, 315, 339, 340,
351, 357- John Jeremiah, i,
92, 93, 101, 315, 320, 352.
William, 303, 387, 403, 445.
Jamaica, 531.
James River, 174, 455.
James (Sloop), n, 362, 435.
Jamison, Adam, 75, 185.
Jane (Sloop), 170.
Jay, John, 50, 501.
Jefferies, Mr., 366, 368.
Jefferson, Thomas, 38, 95, 161,
108, 247, 267, 269, 277, 284,
289, 295, 296, 344, 350, 351,
356, 357-
Jenifer, Col., 107. Mr., 301.
Daniel, 19, 132, 109, 215, 239,
253, 276, 278, 308, 342, 347,
352, 493, 501, 502, 525. Daniel
of St. Thomas, 46, 236, 282.
Thomas, 342. Walter Hanson,
19, 42, 352, 378.
Jenkins, Thomas, 64, 65, 09, 71,
99. Walter, 28.
Jennings, Edmund, 477. Thom-
as, 8o.
Jeune Pendant (Schooner), 148,
Jiles, Thomas, 388, 393-
Job, Archibald, 341.
Joes, Edward, 258.
Johns, Richard, 22, 31, 169.
Thomas, 30, 291-293.
Johnson, Mrs., 55. Baker, 175,
256, 520. Benjamin, 520. Cor-
nelius, 230. Christopher, 6,
439. Edward, 22. Henry, 181.
James, 16, 520. Jeremiah, 19.
John, 39, 75, 84, 295, 325. Dr.
John, 113, US, 133, 221.
Joshua, 225, 443, 478, 499.
Josiah, 134, 135, 263, 335.
Randolph, 28. Robert, 6.
Roger, 520, Gov. Thomas, I,
10, 20, 113. Thomas, 19, 20,
148, 155, 271, 359, 36o, 362,
364, 368, 373, 420, 428, 479,
520. Thomas, Jr., 14, 22, 30,
43, Si. 55, 75, 77, 99, "4,
126, 128, 139, 140, 159, 188,
200, 209, 222, 230, 251, 275,
281, 283, 285, 305, 309, 316,
321, 324, 340, 384, 419-
Thomas (Qifts), 321. Wil-
liam, 196, 248. Tom (ship),
Johnston, William, 86.
Jones, —— , 179, 397- Charles,
20, 133. Edward, 496. Isaac,
210. James, 74. John, 109, 491.
John Courts, 59, 116. Joseph,
203, 523. Neil, 132. Samuel,
234 271, 272. Solomon, 37.
Thomas, 250, 265, 281, 343.
William, 17, 101, 104, 164.
Joppa, 371-
Jordan, Charles, 18, 315, 342.
Jeremiah, 18, 286. John, 163.
Thomas, 98.
Joyce, Stephen, 417-419. Wil-
liam, 86.
Jump, Allensby, 230.
Justices of the Peace, 16-20, 22,
31, 133, 373-
Keef, Thomas, 86, 104.
Keene, John Y., 146. Richard,
98, 130, 437-
Keeports, George P., 14-16, 21,
27, 28, 32, 35-38, 40-42, 46, 47,
6o, 63, 66, 68-70, 72, 75, 78, 79,
81, 82, 84, 86, 90, 93, 96, 97,
99, 101, 103, 109, 112, 114,
117-119, 121, 122, 128, 129,
132, 133, 135, 139, 142, 145,
150, 152-154, 160, 168, 170,
171, 173, 174, l88, 208, 220,
223, 224, 250, 260, 263-265,
267, 281, 206, 298, 318, 319,
327, 336, 337, 356, 367, 379,
386, 400, 404, 406, 411, 426,
428, 429, 432, 454, 456, 458,
462, 463, 468, 471, 480, 485,
488, 491, 508.
Kelleker, Henry, 448, 449.
Kelly, Dennis, 137. Hugh, 38.
Kelty, Capt., 513. William, 164,
Kembles, 455.
Kendall, Jacob, 520.
Kenneck (Kenrick), 6th Regt.,
Ill, 112.
Kennedy, Damaris, 304. Wil-
liam, 126.
Kenner, James, 263.
Kent, James, 19, 27, 106. John,
271. County, 9, 16, 47, 57,
63, 8o, 87, 90, 94, 106, 108,
in, 112, 130, 134, 135, 161,
177, 215, 230, 233, 234, 241,
247, 255, 261-263, 271, 315,
335, 361, 373, 374, 456, 465,
471, 474, 475, 483, 493, 503,
528. (Delaware), 430. Island,
373, 388, 396, 458, 533-
Kenton, Solomon, 230.
Kephart (Keepheart), Peter,
Key, —— , 350. Philip, 389, 419.
John Ross, 16. & Forrest, 265,
Kiersted, James, 358. Luke, 291.
Killgore, William, 18, 457.
King, Daniel, 530, John, 215,
222. Rebecca, 253. Upshur,
Kingsbury & Lancashire Fur-
nace, 413.
Kingston (Kingstown), Talbot
Co., 271, 320.
Kinley, Samuel, 17.
Kipps, Abraham, 520.
Kirby, Benjamin, 104, 446.
Kirk, Timothy, 230.
Kirkman, Levin, 125.
Kirwan, Thomas, 14.
Kitty (Schooner), 15, 355.
Kleinhoof, John, 16.
Kline, Nicholas, 82..
Knapp, John, 39.
Knight, John, 263. John Leach,
Knott, Nathaniel, 181.
Knox, —— , 400. Henry, 390.
Knyphausen, Gen., 502.
Krug, Andrew, 520.
Lacaze & Mallet, 282.
Lady De Miralles (Lady De
Morellia), (Brig), 8, 436.
Lady Lee (Schooner), 333.
La Felicite (Ship), 485.
Lamar, William, 165,
Lamb, John, 73.
Lancaster, Abraham, 54. (Pa.),
Landers, Roger, 132.
Lane, John, 75. Samuel, 22, 246,
326, 327, 329.
Lang, John Peter, 248.
Langford's Bay, 271.
Langrage, 207.
Langton (Langden), Thomas,
324, 331.
Lansdale, Charles, 265, 302, 308.
Thomas, 73, 97, ISO, 288, 435-
Lantenor, Francis, 150.
La Roche, Gilbert, 282.
Laravure, Jean, 98.
Lark (Sloop), 106.
Larose, John, 126.
Larymore, Thomas, 126.
Lathby, Anne, 85.
Laurens (Schooner), 167.
Lavigna, Michael, 181.
Law, John, 271, 426. Joseph,
Lawrence, John, 16, 17, 86.
Laws, Elijah, 18.
Layfield, Isaac, 18.
Layman, William, 54.
Le Bonhomme Richard (ves-
sel) 124.
Le Fier Rodrique (ship), 124.
Le Peron (brig), 124.
LeCompte, Charles, 144. John,
Ledburn, George, 62, 78.
Lee, —— , 321- Mrs., 264, 265.
Charles, 214. George, 17.
Henry, 180, 182, 184, 207, 388,
389, 393, 398, 399, 430, 43L
476, 496. Gov. Thomas Sim,
i, 7, 9, ID, 12, 20, 28, 43, 44,