General Lincoln (Sloop), 255,
256. Washington (Ship), 378.
Wayne (Sloop), 24, 35, 436.
Genn, James, 271.
George, Sidney, 230.
Georgetown (Montgomery
Co.), 95, 157, 192, 194, 195,
271, 323, 331, 368, 397, 450,
457, 463, 477, 479, 482, 496,
512, 528. (Eastern Shore),
Georgia, 365, 439, 44L
Gerard ( Gerrard) , Conrad
Alexandre, 93, 384, 409, 410,
German Regiment, 23, 8o, 81,
126, 174, 190, 203, 204, 295,
297, 364, 430, 431.
Germantown, Battle of, 233.
Ghiselin, Mrs. Mary, 123.
Gibbons, Joseph, 17. Thomas,
Gibson, —— , 268, 342. John,
12, 471, 506. Jonathan, 166,
367. Rachel, 367. William,
141, 367. Woolman, 3rd, 31,
314, 316, 367.
Giffords, John, 280.
Gilbert, Michael, 17, 318, 424,
Giles, Mr., 5, 29. Major, 292.
Aa, 506. Edward, 234, 248,
300, 314, 339-341, 353, 530.
Jacob, Jr., 20, 117, 359, 360,
368, 377, 379- James, 19.
Thomas, 214, 278, 299, 300,
Gillespie, James, 234, 254, 272.
Gillum, John, 287.
Gilmore & Russell, 250.
Gilpin, —— , 321, 335. Joseph,
85, 105, 230. Samuel, 77, 260,
404, 45 1.
Gist, John, 166. Mordecai, I,
69, 70, 72, 117, 165, 185, 319,
322, 425, 426, 428, 429, 434,
447, 456, 487, 490, 493, 499,
507. Nathaniel, 139, 140, 163,
166, 170, 224. Thomas, 237.
Gittings, Jeremiah, 273. Mary,
Glascow, Walter, 181.
Glenn, Samuel, 230.
Glover, Richard, 236.
Goddard, John, 181.
Godman, Samuel, 18, 28, 280.
Colder, Archibald, 234, 272, 332,
335, 358, 472.
Goldsborough (Goldsberry),
Charles, 181. Bowes, 22.
William, 22, 31.
Goldsmith, William, 32, 85, 119,
170, 293, 304, 319.
Gomber, Jacob, 520.
Good, Adam, 54.
Goodricks, —— , 521.
Gordon, George, 33, 84, 369, 383.
John, 514- Rev. John, 367.
Gorman, Capt., 317. Abraham,
Gould, James, 165. Samuel, 115.
Governor, Election of, 10-12.
Grace, Jesse, 68.
Grafford, John, 376.
Grahame (Graham), John, 264.
Richard, 73. Thomas, 2 1C.
William, 204.
Grampus (Schooner), 257.
Granger, William, 16.
Grason, Col., 70. Thomas, 23,
35, 36, 53, 56, 62, 66, 73, 87,
IO9, III, I20, 144, 154, 164,
1 86, 356, 396, 446, 459-
Graves, James Hudson, 200.
Richard, 371.
Gray, Benjamin, 60, 63, 65, 120,
248. Jacob, 273, 319. John,
448, 449. Joseph, 265. Som-
ervell & Chase, 473. Thomas,
533. William, 533.
Graybill, Jacob, 188. Philip,
188, 303.
Great Britain, Political Situa-
tion in, 477, 478.
Greaves, John, 18.
Green (Greene), Capt., loo.
David, 64, 65, 69, 71, 86, 397.
Frederick, 214, 244, 267, 270,
272, 281, 285, 306. Job, 289.
John, 13, 16, 21, 121, 452, 459.
Nathaniel, 92, 394. Robert, 64,
65, 69, 71, 86, 322, 397. T., 519.
Greenhill town, 271.
Green Spring Forest, 452.
Greenway, Joseph, 137.
Greenwell, Bennett, 248. John,
201. Robert, 336.
Greenwood, Daniel, 529.
Greyless, Jesse, 207.
Griest, Isaac, 53, 86, 154, 156,
158, 255, 264, 265, 475, 484.
Griffith, Benjamin, 303. Charles
Greenbury, n, 55, 79, 229,
248. Hezekiah, 120, 248. Phi-
lemon, 99. Samuel, 233.
Grist, Charles, 115, 394.
Gromett, Jacob, 23, 295, 364.
Grosh, Conrad, 520. Peter, 295,
Grove, Jacob, 520.
Guibert, Thomas, 38, 314.
Gump, John. AA..
Gunby, John, 69, 72, 145, 165,
397, 426, 455, 472, 486, 487-
Gunpowder, 459. Battalion, 227,
Gwin & Co., John, 280.
Hackett, James, 146, 271, 302.
John, 146.
Haddaway, Capt, 284. Wm.
Webb, 327-
Hadow, Archibald, 139.
Haff (Hoff), Abraham, 520.
Jacob, 190. Richard, 5, 45,
113, 114, 151, ICO, 226, 346.
Hagan, Leonard, 86.
Hager, Henry, 8o. Hagers-
town, 365, 395, 460, 482, 483.
Halkerston, Robert, 69, 71.
Hall, —— , 345, 359, 456. Mem-
ber of H. of D., 10. Aquila,
360. Basil, 18. Caleb, 533.
Elihu, 448. Elisha, 230. Henry
of Henry, 18, 28. John, 272.
John, son of Cranby, 19.
Josias Carvil, 3, 71, 76, 138,
163, 169, 185, 435, 465, 467,
485. Robert, 271. Thomas.
283, 284. William, 9, 130.
Halley (Haley), Caleb, 534-
Elizabeth, 534.
Hallow, Godfried, 45.
Hambleton, William, 181, 459.
Hamilton, —— , 479. Edward,
185, 467, 473, 521. George, 59,
6o, 129, 164, 166, 461. John,
J-3, 258, 317, 345, 346. Pat,
143. Samuel, 23, 64, 65, 146,
149, 184, 234, 272.
Hammett, Zachariah, 18.
Hammond, —— , 462, 463.
George, 38. Isaac, 25. James,
42, 115, 402, 407. William,
386, 309.
Hampton, Va., 21, 77, 78.
Handy, Capt., 180. Ebenezer,
1 8. Levin, 5, 47, 49, 50, no,
150, 152 153, 256.
Hann, Peter, 6o.
Hanson, Alexander Contee, 6,
122, 249, 329. Haskins, 19.
Isaac, 59, 76. John, 9, 10,
182, 187, 257, 272. Samuel,
10, 13, 28, 55, 163, 234, 272,
273, 329, 330, 339- Samuel,
Jr., 19. Walter, 19, 35, 42,
278, 378.
Hardcastle, Peter, 168. Thomas,
Harding, Gray, 295. Robert,
210. Walter, 120.
Hardman, John, 234.
Harford County, 2, 7, 8, 17-20,
32, 42, 45, 47, 63, 86, 92, 96,
98, 100, 133, 134, 161, 196, 197,
201, 207, 212, 215, 246, 258,
261, 262, 271, 283, 291, 310,
315, 326, 330, 359, 368, 391,
408, 475, 483, 504, 509. Town,
Harper, John, 273.
Harr, John, 25.
Harrington, Richard, 140.
Harris, Aaron, 248. Arthur, 165.
David, 303. Isaac, 73, 333-
John, 501. Robert, 504. Wil-
liam, 8o, 97. Zadock, 248.
Harrison, Col., 346, 364, 368,
391, 430. Capt., 52, 386, 396.
Benjamin, 455. Charles, 145,
436. John, 17. John Caile, 215,
239, 240, 253, 268, 293, 311.
Richard, 151. Richard of
Richard, 18, 28. Samuel, 18.
Samuel of Richard, 18, 28.
William, 19.
Harry, Ezekiel, 185, Thomas,
Hart, —— , 54-
Harwood, Benj amin, 203. John,
20, 287. Nicholas, 58, 281,
285. Richard, Jr., 18. Thomas,