Barron, Capt., 283, 295, 302, 311.
Barrow, Samuel, 139.
Barwick, Handle, 520. John,
520. William, 520.
Bascome, Benjamin, 451.
George, 451.
Bassford, William, 84.
Bastardy, 85.
Baxley, John, 359.
Baxter, John, 492. Joseph, 25,
77, 179, 428.
Bayard, George, 146. William,
Bayer, See Boyer.
Bayless (Bailiss), James, 86.
Samuel, 17.
Baylor, Col., 209.
Beach, Benjamin, 150.
Beacham, —— , 417, 419.
Beall, —— , 397, 402. Clement,
83, 116. Elisha, 520. George,
82, 133, if i, 287, John, 222,
239, 243, 270, 271, 322. Joshua,
17, 204, 221, 258, 264, 490,
500, 521, 523, 525. Robert,
248. Samuel of Samuel, 120.
Thomas, 83, 84, 133, 192, 248,
291, 293, 295, 323, 331, 424,
SI2, 517, 528. Walter, 20, 133.
William Lloyd, 54, SS. 99, 133,
315, 320, 451. William M.,
16. William Murdock, 320.
Zephaniah, 120.
Bear, George, 44, 82, 114, 151.
Beatty, —— , 178, 397, 402, 512.
James, 520. Thomas, 44, 45,
80-82, 113, 114, 190. William,
16, 54, 55, 80, 81, 113, 175-177,
286, 313, 325, 330, 336.
Beck, James, 4, 17.
Becraft, —— , 512, 517-
Beef, is, 21, 25, 32, 36, 153, 158,
159, 166, 186, 189, 195, 204,
212, 241, 244, 246, 253, 254,
259, 334, 340, 358, 367, 382,
383, 412, 416, 420, 458, 483,
487, 505, SU, SU, 517.
Belt, Josias, 203.
Benedict Town, 271.
Bennett, James, 312, 313. Jesse,
I", 100, 310, 368.
Benson, Peregrine, 166. Perry,
Bentley, William, 520.
Benton, Vinson, 19, 28.
Berser, Philip, 520.
Bermuda, 32, H4, 125, 177, 185,
107, 199, 375, 376, 451, 494,
502, 511.
Berry, Elisha, 13. Robert, 33,
121, 123, 124, 130, 131, 150,
i?4, 156, 160, 161, 182, 184,
185, 195, 205-207, 224, 242,
248, 249, 251, 252, 256, 269,
275, 276, 280. 282, 284, 305,
306, 328, 461. William, 17.
Zacharia, 203, 524.
Berryman, John, 109, 134, 230.
Bestpitch, —— , 37.
Betsey (Schooner), 6.
Betsworth, I., 288, 289.
Bevan (Bivan), Charles, 65,
147, 184. Thomas, 12.
Bewley, Joseph, 22.
Bickham, James, 332.
Bicknall, Evan, 65.
Biddle, Col-, 479. Owen, 367.
Bigham, James, 273.
Biggs, Samuel, 146.
Bills oi Credit, 51, 205, 206, 214,
223, 225, 243, 244, 246, 258,
260, 270, 272, 275-277, 279,
281, 285, 297, 300, 313, 318,
_342, 362, 460, 501, 519, 528.
Bird, Empson, 125. Richard,
165, 337, 339-
Birkhead, Christopher, 22, 31,
.142, 519.
Biscoe, Bennett, 18.
Black Prince (brig), 109.
Blacklock, Richard, 248. Thom-
as, 2IO.
Blackmore, Samuel, 248. Wil-
liam, I20.
Blackstone, George, 417-419.
Bladensburg!], 271, 500, 521, 523.
Blaine, Ephraim, 5, 6, 20, 29, 50,
146, 360, 361, 368, 376, 380,
381, 392, 395, 403, 412, 419,
440, 447, 463, 472, 505, 515.
Blair, John, 132.
Blake, —— , 508. Charles, 100,
209, 223, 243, 244, 275, 285,
2QO, 301, 302, 349, 475. Peter,
170, 488.
Blakeston, John, 18.
Blandford, Ignatius, 234, 273.
Blankets, 21, 33, 37, 63, 129, 133,
137, 145, 152, 153, 169, 170,
175, 180, 248, 249, 256, 280,
298, 300, 319, 336, 337, 341,
345, 366, 368, 379, 386, 390.
399, 432, 458, 459, 462-464,
471, 472, 478, 480, 484, 488,
489, 508.
Blossom (Schooner), no.
Blunt's, 271.
Board of War, letters to, 107,
112, 136, 191, 224, 234, 242,
Boarman, Richard, 253.
Bohemia, 468.
Boisbrun, —— , 30, 35.
Bolton, John, 112, 129, 230, 232,
234, 241, 373, 420.
Bond, Gerard, 18, 270, 315.
John, 22. Richard, 230.
Thomas, 18, 373-374, 377, 406,
499. William, 18, 19.
Boney, Thomas, 533.
Bonner, Mrs., 163.
Boon (Boone), Foster, 12. Ig-
natius, 234, 258, 273, 346, 351.
John, in, 112, 147, 148, 321,
322, 334. Thomas, 185.
Booth, Bartholomew, 257. Jon-
athan, 230. Richard, 443-
Bordley, James, 19, 27, 28. John
Beale, 383, 395, 412. William,
16, 142, 157, 465, 529.
Boroughs, James, 18.
Bosley, Walter, 345.
Boston (Mass.), 436, 438, 441.
Bouldin, Thomas, 230.
Bowdle, Tristram, 271.
Bowie, Allen, 271, 302. Fielder,
4, 7. 8. 17,
Bowles, William, 38, 347.
Bowley, Daniel, 101, 104, 129,
148, 267, 273, 276, 277, 303,
392, 393, 454, 499, 502.
Boyd, Abraham, 17. Thomas, 4,
17, 524. Thomas (of Abra-
ham), 2, 4, 79.
Boyer, Michael, 23, 8o, 81, 82,
126, 141, 144, 203, 204, 294-
299, 364, 466. Peter, 81.
Boyle, Daniel, 186. James, 194,
213, 320.
Bracco, John, 31, 470.
Bradford, William, 17, 137.
Bradhurst, Benjamin, no.
Bradley, Cornelius, 341. Na-
than, 126.
Brannon, Timothy, 294.
Brashear, Ignatius, 163.
Braughan ( Breemaghme) , Pat-
rick, 87, 105.
Bravet, —— , 499, 507.
Breedon, Enoch, 270.
Brengle, Lawrence, 520.
Brevit, John, 185.
Brewer, John, 341, 348.
Brewer, Richard (Schooner
Boat), 155.
Brice, James, i, 6, n, 45, 64, 76,
08, 118, 140, 143, 164, 181, 185,
188, 208, 210, 219, 221, 247,
271, 312, 337, 352, 446. John,
n, 46, 81, 96, 116, 124, 164,
221, 233, 251, 298, 306, 308,
321, 337, 34L
Bricks, 451.
Brig, 393.
Briscoe, Clement, 344. Gerard,
20. Hanson, 18. John Han-
son,.^. Robert, 18.
British vessels, 393, 398, 422.
British vessels in Chesapeake
Bay, 156, 160, 161, 238, 245,
251, 267, 269, 273, 277, 280,
283. British Property in
Maryland, 50, 51,
Brittain, Samuel, 459.
Brittany, 6o.
Brittingham, Solomon, 150.
Broad Creek, Prince George's
Co., 322. Broad Creek Ferry,
Queen Anne's County, 382.
Brogden, William, 170.
Brookes (Brooks), Benjamin,
165. Charles, 143. Francis,
201. John, 175. John Smith,
17. 203, 215, 222, 229, 328,
338, 501, 524. Nicholas, 210.
Broome, John, 367. John
Hooper, 18.