524 Journal and Correspondence.
June 23
to Virginia. Richard Cramphin Ensigne Promoted to 1st Lieutl in
the place of Thos Boyde who is gone into the continental Service
Samuel Sheckells 2d Lieut Adam Craige Ensign
For Cap" Mullicans Compy Richard Ducket fr Ensigne, Promoted
to 2d Lieut, in place of Barucke Ducket Resigned. Phillip Turner,
Officers wanted in the Middle Battalion Zachh Berre 1st Lieut.
Promoted to Cap" in place of Clement Wheeler resigned. Mordica
Burges 2d Lieut. Promoted to first Lieut in place of Berre Richd
Hill 2d Lieut, in place of Saml Wheeler the late Ensign resigned.
Thomas Marshall, Ensigne
Malbro Company Samuel Hepburn 1st Lieut. Promoted to Capn
in place of John Smith Brookes resigned John Clarke Sprigg 2d
Lieut Promoted to 1st Lieut, in place of Hepburn Richd Burges Jr
Ensign, Promoted to 2d Lieut, in place of Spriggr Edward Willet,
June 23
Red Book
No. 26
No. 34
[T. Donnellan, Baltimore to His Excy Governor Lee.]
Sr The 21st Inst. Received your Excellencys Letter respecting
Fish purchased of Mr Hudson & in Obedience thereto immediately
Shiped on Board The Dolphin Seventy Barrels of Herring for Elk.
While The Vessel was Loading discovered that he had only
Ninety Barrels of Herring & fifteen Barrels of Shad to give me,
owing to some Prior Engagement.
When Capt. Middleton returns will send Thirty Barrels to An-
napolis, then there will only five remain with me.
Yesterday Evening got Coll Stones Letter desiring me to have
the Fish carefully examined, which shall be done with what remains.
I think more Fish may be purchased in Town upon moderate
There now remains only about six Barrels of Meat in the Issuing
Stores here
June 25
Brown Book
No. 7
No. 30
[Luzerne Philadelphia to Gov. Lee]
Monsieur Jeprends la liberte a adresser a votre Excellence une
lettre que j e la prie de vouloir bien faire parvenir a Richemont et
ensuite an Cap henry par la chaine d'Expres que le Congres a
demande qui Fut etablie dans les Etats de Maryland et de Virginie,
Le President du Congres ne doute pas que ces expres n'aient etc
postes de maniere a vendre la communication aussi pronte que
possible, et je prends la liberte de vous prier, Monsieur, d'ordonner
qu'elle soit conservee avec soin et dans toute sou activite jusqu'au
moment on le Congres aura decide qu'on peut la reformer. Si ces
Expres n'avoient pas encore etc Etablis il en bien a desirer quels
puissent 1'Etre sur le champs et en attendance j e vous prie de vou-