[Jos'a Beall, Ps Gs Cty to Gov Lee]
Sr I was informed the Other day that one Andrew Wailes who
lives in Bladensburgh, had Entertained one of the Convention pris-
oners who had made his Escape from Virginia, I Examined the
person who I was informed, had seen him there on Oath, But by
his deposition he appeared to be something of a pedler, I can as
yet here of no Other person who saw or knows any thing about this
Stranger, but what is somthing remarkable, this Wailes the next
morning made several bets two to one that Charles Town surren-
dered to the Enemie the Twelfth of May.
Wailes is one of those fellowes who was accused with Assisting
rme nf the Goodricks & some Other prisoners in making their Escape
from Alex" some years ago, and though he was Acquited of the
charge in Virginia, The People in Alex3 were so fully convinced of
his Guilt in that & Other Villenys, that they drove him from thence ;
And he on taking the Oath to the State has been suffered to live
since that, in Bladensburgh. But from what I can learn of the
fellows beheavior, he is as vile a tory as any in America, he is now
become one of the greatest traders in Town, and by his artfull con-
duct seems to be gaining some influence over the weak unthinking
People, and has of late become a companion & high in Esteem
among the Torys of the first rank, having been lately Admitted as I
understand to a very high Entertainment kept by them, some say
to celebrate the Kings birth day, Others on the News of the sur-
render of Charles Town, which seems to have been the real & true
cause of their feastivity, For certain it is, that the Torys & Enemies
to America, have mutch speedier & Truer Accts of those Events,
than any other people on the Continent. But, This is not mutch to
be wondered at, While there are such Numbers of people daily Pass-
ing & repassing & no Question Askt, some as Officers, some as
Express, & others as Speculaters, many of whome though they
have bound themselves by Oath to support the independance of
America, its to be feared are the worst kind of Torys among us;
I fear without some change in our conduct, America will at length
be Duped out of all she has been contending for. Would it not be
highly Necessary at this time to issue Orders, or rather pass an Act
Enjoyning all Officers both Civil & Military, to take up & Examine
all persons whatever that are passing through this State let their
business be what it may, & those who cant give a very good Acel
of themselves, or some Testimonials of their honest intentions, to
confine in Goal till such time they can give such Satisfaction; some
such Expedient seems to be highly Necessary for the welfair of
America at this juncture. Would it not be necessary to Oblige this
June 21