Liber C C
No. 22
sistence of the Recruits enlisted by you, we advise you to purchase
Provisions Sufficient for that Purpose and to allow each Recruit
the Continental Rations. To enable you to make such Purchase and
to pay the Continental and State Bounties, we have sent you an
Order on the Collector of the Tax for your County for three thou-
sand Dollars. You must render us an Account of the Money ex-
pended in the Purchase of Provisions to subsist your Recruits and
in paying the Bounties and inform when more Money will be neces-
sary for this Service. Should there be a Recruiting Officer in your
County from Camp, you must deliver your Recruits to such Officer,
as soon as you can, after they are passed, if not, you must deliver
them to the Recruiting Officer in any other County that is most Con-
venient. Should there be an Issuing Commissary in your County,
and convenient, it will be proper to draw the Rations for your Re-
cruits from him. You are to use every Precaution to avoid enlisting
British or foreign Deserters; the most particular Attention to this
Object of your Instructions will be necessary to prevent Imposition
p. 51
[Council to the Recruiting Officers in Ann Arundel County.]
Sir This Board reposing Confidence in your Zeal and Activity to
promote the Course of Liberty, have appointed you one of the Re-
cruiting Officers for Ann Arundel County and have to observe, by
way of Instructions that you must, in discharging Duty, pursue the
Directions contained in the " Act for recruiting the Quota of Troops
of this State in the American Army " herewith sent, Upon Applica-
tion to this Board, you may be supplied with Money to recruit with.
You must render us an Account of the Money expended in paying
the Bounties and inform us when more Money will be necessary for
this Service.
You are to use every Precaution to avoid enlisting British or for-
eign Deserters; the most particular Attention to this Object of your
Instructions will be necessary to prevent Imposition. Your Recruits
are to be allowed the Continental Rations for their Subsistance and
you must draw on the Commissary of Issues in this City. As soon
as your Recruits are passed, you must deliver them to the Recruiting
Officer from Camp in this County; should there not be one here, you
are to deliver them to Capt John Chalmers in this City.
[Council To the Recruiting Officers in Somerset, Worcester, Caroline
and Dorchester Counties]
Sir This Board reposing Confidence in your Zeal and Activity
to promote the Cause of Liberty, have appointed you one of the
Recruiting Officers for ———— County and have to observe, by Way
of Instructions, that you must in discharging your Duty, pursue the
Directions contained in the " Act for recruiting the Quota of Troops