458 Journal and Correspondence.
Book No. i
As to the beef, the time & place of delivery & the proportion from
time to time, must of necessity, be governed by the occasional
requisitions of the Commissary General.
I have the Honor to be with the highest respect & esteem Yr Excel-
lency's Most Obedt Servt Go Washington
Red Book
No. 26
No. 41
March 26
[Henry Dickinson, Kent Island, to Gov. Lee]
Honourable Sir In consequence of your Letter by Mr Wilmot, I
got down hear yesterday morning with all the Cash in my hands
as Treasurer, but have been Prevented from Crossing the Bay by the
hardness of the winds yesterday, which still continues, and as there
is Horses to Cross, I did not Chuse to run any risque, and therefore
shall waite hear for a more favourable Prospect, which I suppose I
shall have this evening or to morrow morning early.
NB. Mr Jno Wilmot your Express is also hear with me
March 27
[Abraham Faw Frederick Town to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir It has been some Time Since I Receiv'd Any Instructions
from your Excellency as to Purchasing of Cloathing in this County
the Cloath you mentioned in Your Last Letter to have been sent from
Baltimore and Issued to Recruits here, has not Come to Hand tho'
often applied for by the officers, I have now Purchased to the
Amount of About £59000, they Consist in About 1600 Shirts 836
pr Stockings 1216 Hatts 37 Blankets and 63 pr Shoes for which I
am Something above £3000 in Advance. I have had an Offer of 200
Hatts @ 30 Dollars which is the Highest Price I have yet Given,
and as Every Article now seems to Rate with us, are Cheap if they
are wanting. You will Please Sir Advise me about it, and if you
think it proper to send me an Order on Mr Edelen (our Present Col-
lector) for money to Purchase them, or at Least to pay what I am in
Advance if you think Proper to Discontinue the Purchases, I shall be
down in May at the Provincial Court in Order to Render and Settle
the Accounts.
March 29
Red Book
No. 30
No. 22
[Geo p. Keeports, Baltimore, to Gov Lee]
May It Please Your Excelly I have Search'd the Town Over
Cannot Find Any Trimmings, There may be had about Two pounds
of Scarlet Buff & blue Colour'd sewing Silk at £220 pr Ib. which is all
I Can find the Buttons for Officers Cloathing are Making about Ten
Gross will be Done this Week.
[This use
of the word
is not in the
I Received a Letter from Mr Randall who Informs me the Shal-
loons and Imperials I Took to Camp are Useless as they are Mostly
blue and Brown which were the Colours I thought Most suitable for
the Cloth Taken out, He Requests me to Solicit your Excellency for
Permission to send out with the Next Supplies some White Shalloon