454 Journal and Correspondence.
Red Book
No. 23
What flower We Had siezed In the Hands of Mr John Ward
Veazey Belonging To the french Is all forwarded on By order of
Colo Hollingsworth on Nowne To Our Knowledge for which He
Means To Be Acountable for To your Honors.
March 18
[John Stewart of Annapolis, Cambridge, to Honourable
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Honble Sir I have Received a Commission appointing me a recruit-
ing officer for this County, Inclosing an order on the Sherriff to
receive money from him for that Purpose, which order I have
presented but have not been able to receive any money As I would
wish to execute the Commission your Excellency has been pleased
to honour me with shall be glad that you will be pleased to order
such sum of money as you may think necessary to be immediately
transmitted to me as the business cannot be done without, I have with
my own Money got two recruits, and hope to be able in a Short time
to get more if furnished with the necessary being Late before I
received your Commission, would be glad to know if I, may continue
longer than the time Specified.
March 20
[Cesar Rodney, Dover Delaware State, Certificate]
It is hereby certified, That agreeable to the Tenour of a Bond
entered into by Freeborn Garitson in compliance with an order of the
Honourable Council in the State of Maryland, enjoining his Per-
sonal Appearance within a limited term, before the Executive Power
of the State of Delaware; the said Freeborn Garitson a Preacher
among the People called Methodists, who hath a considerable time
past resided chiefly in this State, and under its Protection; did
upon the Day of the date hereof, appear in Person before me.
March 20
[Nathaniel Smith to Council]
[Asks discharge of Joseph Wilkes, who enlisted in January 1776,
but is now in bad health and has a wife and three children.]
March 21
Red Book
No. 30
No. 26
[Geo. p. Keeports, Baltimore, to Gov. Lee]
May It Please your Excelly The Recruits here are in the Greatest
Need of Shoes and Coats or Coattees. I have Overalls Making.
Shou'd be oblidged to your Excellency to Instruct me how to Act in
having Cloathing made up, and what is to be Done with the Cloth
Bot of Mr Bowley and the Coarse Cloth Bol of Mr Dorsey & Ham-
[Pratteen is
not in
mond the Brown Shalloon and the Narrow brown Pratteens Bot
of Mr D & H will make Good Coattees for the Summer and are not
fit for anything Else.
I have Engaged Buttons for the Officers with one Evans who
Makes Very Fine Buttons and Marks them with the Number of the