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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 403

relieve their wants: — Since which, I have been visited by five or six
of them; Some of them questioning by what Authority I chastised
the Man; and. on being answered for clandestinely despoiling me of
my Property; one of them, in particular told me, that it had not
been uncommon with them to take Fencing for Firewood, wherever
they cou'd find it and in what Quantities they pleased; That they
had practised it before in other States, and shou'd not scruple to do it
in this State, (where they were worse provided, than in any they had
been) and were left by their Superiors, to shift for themselves (or
words to such Effect)
Your Excellency, on a little Consideration, will I flatter myself,
be induced to grant me, your favourable Excuse (which I entreat)
for the seeming Unimportance of these hasty Lines addressed to you.
They are, communicated Sir, for the sake of these Sufferers — if
their Complaints be true, as they aver them to be. That a proper
Channel for Enquiry into them, be opened; and their Distresses
relieved, if real; (and unto which I am ready to contribute my Mite,
if required) That the Inhabitants of this Community over which
Sir, you have the Honour to preside and who are paying very heavy
Taxes, and are likely to pay more, for the due Support of the Army,
& of Civil Government, may in Consideration of these Payments
enjoy the Remainder of their Property, continually decreasing by
encreasing Burthens in Peace and Safety, and under the Sanction
of the Laws of this State, which I trust it is no less, your Excellency's
Department, than it is your Inclination, to preserve, and maintain in-
violate among us.

January 12

[Wm Jacob to Council]
[Asks to be appointed Sheriff of Baltimore.]

January 14

[Robert Buchanan to Gov Lee.]

[He cannot take oath of commissary and quartermaster, and will
not serve after February i.]

January 15

[William Clark, " Back week," to the Council]

Gentlemen I have Loded your Brigead of Wagons, and sent them
with 88 Barrels of Super fine flower and since I have Been offered
Seventy five Pounds By Cornet Isack Cartey Comishener ounder
Cornel Epheram Blean and his Exceleant governer Seazer Radney
offered mee the same Gentelmen I hope you will not meake mee
worse then I have Been offered as It will Bee Empoverishing your
own Steat But Bee It as It will I will Bee Contented. There Is
more Redey you may send for It when you Please from gentelmen
your Hble Sert
Gentlemen From the above you will discover the prices offered
in the delaware State and close on our line. People with us are

January 15
Red Book
No. 23

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 403   View pdf image (33K)
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