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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 393   View pdf image (33K)
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Letters to the Council. 393

Baltimore 29th Decem 1779 I hereby Certify that the above is a
fair and true Copy of Mr Young's Invoice of Goods bought by him
of Well's Cooper & Co. at Nansemond in Virginia.
Dan. Bowly

Red Book
No. 25

[Geo. Plater and James Forbes, Philadelphia, to Gov. Lee]

Sir We received the inclosed from Major Lee the other Day. I
beg Leave to forward it for the Consideration of your Excellency
& the Council, being well assured that you will do all in your Power
to relieve the Necessities of those valuable Men who are in Ma j.
Lee's Corps. We have applied to the Board of War, I find nothing
can be done here. On the 23d inst, an Embarkation took Place at
New York, & from the Number of Vessels one hundred sixty three,
we apprehend it to be very considerable, their Destination not
certainly known, but from Circumstances we fear they are intended,
in Part or the whole, to reinforce their Troops in the Southern

Red Book

No. 5
No. 28

[Wm Hanna, Annapolis, to Council]

[Offers to build a •" brig proper for a letter of mark " with mate-
rials from the Eastern Shore]


[H. Hollingsworth Head of Elk, to His Excellency the Governor and
the Honourable Council]

Gentlemen I yesterday recd an Order on the Treasury of this State
for four hundred Thousand dollars, one hundred & fifty thousand of
which in favor of James Calhoon Esqr D. Q. M. Gl Baltimore, the
other Two hundred and fifty thousand to my use at this post, where
I am in the greatest want of it, my reasons for trouble your Excel-
lency and Honnours on this Occasion is that this day I saw Mr John
Strawbridge late Sheriff & Collector for this Coty who Informed
me that he had about one hundred thousand Pounds Collected which
he should be glad to pay to me providing I had an Order on him.
I submit it whether an order to me, on Mr Strawbridge from your
Treasury for my part of the order and my Rect would not answer
every end as fully as if Mr Strawbridge should go down with the
money, and save much time and some Expence, Thos Jiles my Ex-
press waits on Mr Harwood with the order who is a safe hand for
either the money or Order, and waits your direction on the matter


[H. Hollingsworth D. Q. M. G. to His Excellency the Governor and
the Honourable Council]

And please your Excellency and Honours. As I find a second
attact made on my Character to the Northward, while I have been
engaged in Assisting General Hogans "Brigade of Carolina Troops to


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 393   View pdf image (33K)
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