We have taken the speediest Method of conveying it to your Excel-
lency, under an Impression of the Propriety of giving you the earli-
est Intimation of the Design of the Enemy We have the Honor to
be &ca
[Council to Monsr le Marquis de Vaudreuil or the Officer command-
ing the Ships of War of his most Christian Majesty
now in Chesapeake Bay.]
Sir. The enclosed is a Copy of the Intelligence we just received by
Express from his Excellency the Chevalier De la Luzerne and we
have taken this Method as the most expeditious to apprise you of
the Intention of the Enemy and to assure you that we will with the
utmost Alacrity afford every possible Aid that may be required, but
at present are unable to concert any Means that may be of Service
in frustrating the Designs of our common Foe We have the Honor
to be &ca