Liber C C
No. 22
necessary for the Safety of the Public as well as private property in
and about Baltimore. Mr Donnellan has Directions to furnish the
necessary Provision, and Mr Keeports will supply them with Am-
munition and Arms, if they should not have them of their own.
We request you will have the Men collected and equipped with all
possible Expedition
1 Field Officer, 2 Capts 2 Lieuts 2 Ensns 4 Sergts 100 Rank & file
[Council to Capt Geo p. Keeports]
Sir We think it necessary that all the Cannon in the Fort &
Balto Town, except 4 or 5 which may be necessary for immediate
Defence, should be removed to some Place of security in the Coun-
try, together with the Arms, Ammunition, Accoutriments and pub-
lic Stores which may not be wanting to equip the Militia in Balto
Town. We request you will have them removed 10 or 12 Miles
from Baltimore Town and lodged in a secure Place. In transact-
ing this Business, you will consult Mr Buchanan, and every Thing
necessary for the Troops, or that he may think ought to remain,
we wish may be complied with
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 225
Friday 10 November 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered that the Armourer deliver to Thomas Grason junr 50
Stand of Arms, & Accoutrements complete with 24 rounds of fixt
Ammunition to each to be delivered over to Colo Edwd Lloyd and by
him to his Lieut of Talbot County.
That the Lieut of Frederick County deliver to Colo Rawlings what
Arms and Accoutremts for the Guard at Fort Frederick he may want.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Crisall seventy
five Pounds of the new Emission on Account.
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 209
[Council to Lieut of Washington County or the Commdg Officer of
the Militia]
Sir In Consequence of Information from the Board of War that
the Convention Troops were ordered to Fort Frederick, and from
the Governor of Virginia, that one Division of those Troops con-
sisting of about eight hundred Men, were on their March to that
Place, we think it necessary that the Guard should be augmented
by two full Companies of Militia in Addition to the Company al-
ready ordered and Capt Reid's and request you will have this done
as speedily as possible