[Council to Wm. Smith, Sam'l & Robt Purveyance & others
Merchts in Baltimore]
Gentn The Enclosure is a Copy of a Letter just received from the
Mouth of Patuxent by which you will perceive that some of the
Enemy's Vessels are at present in that River. We hope there may be
some Vessels equipped in your Harbour of sufficient Force to prevent
their getting off with their Booty, The Value of the Vessels and the
great Plunder they are probably encumbered with make them an
inviting Object of Profit while their Force is not so considerable
as to discourage an Attempt. Our State Boats are down the Bay
and may probably join any Vessels you may send. We can furnish
15 or 20 Soldiers to assist in manning them and will chearfully
render every Assistance in our Power as to Arms and Ammunition.
[Council to Jeremiah T. Chase Esqr]
Sir We enclose you a List of Tobacco, which we wish to have
sold, to answer the most pressing Demands which you are well
apprised of. Mr Hammond and others have offered to purchase. If
Mr Calhoun has not sold the Tobacco transmitted to him, you will
be so obliging to endeavour to dispose of the 1 50 Hogsheads agree-
able to the List. 50 £ p Ct and 4 p Cent for Cask to be paid imme-
diately or at the Delivery of the Notes, in Continental Money. Our
embarrassing Situation with Respect to Money will be a sufficient
Appology for giving you this Trouble
[Council to Colo Joseph Wilkinson or the Commdg Off r of the
Calvert Militia]
Sir We request you to order such of the Militia of your County
on Duty as may appear to you to be necessary to repel the Enemy
now in that Part of this State, and have them properly armed and
accoutered with those Arms in Calvert County belonging to the
Public and others. You will take Care to post them in such Manner
as will prevent as much as possible, the Inhabitants from being
plundered, and to regain the Property they have already lost. You
will give us the earliest Information of the Strength and Movements
of the Enemy and of every material Occurence. Colo Smith has
Directions from us, to supply the Militia with Provision. We expect
to hear from you by the Return of this Express