Monday 30 October 1780
Present as on Saturday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Roger Dow-
ling a soldier in the 6th Maryland Regimt Ten Shillings of the new
Emission in lieu of Twenty Pounds allowed him by the Act relating
to the Officers and soldiers &ca instead of the Articles therein
That the said Treasurer pay to Edward Owings four Pounds,
two shillings & six Pence of the new Emission in lieu of seventy
five Pounds & ninety Pounds due him p Acct passed by the Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Jonathan Parker an Express
engaged agreeable to the Resolution of Congress one hundred and
fifty Dollars on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Gilbert Middleton Five Pounds,
five shillings & four pence half penny of the new Emission in lieu
of ninety Pounds fifteen shillings due him p Acct passed by the
Dep. Audr
That the said Treasurer deliver to Charles Williamson Esqr 7
hhds. of Tobacco to be delivered over to Thomas Jones Contractor
for Horses in Calvert County on Account.
That the said Treasurer deliver to James Calhoun Esqr Commis-
sary for Baltimore County 100 hhds of Tobacco on Account.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt. Gilbert Middleton
of the Plater 7^ Gall3 of Rum the allowance to the Hands of said
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt Gilbert Middle-
ton 2 Is Marline and also 2 Shirts, 1 Upper & 1 under Jacket, 2 pr
Stockings 1 pr Shoes and I pr Breeches for Negro Michael belonging
to the State
That Mr John Shaw Armourer deliver to Capt. Gilbert Middleton
of the Plater 15 Is Cannon & 5 is Musket Powder, 3 is Match rope,
i o is Musket Ball, I Powder horn & Pricker, 1 Quire Cartridge
Paper 50 Gun flints & 6 pr Handcuffs.
October 30
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 220
[Council to General Smallwood]
Sir The Plan for a new Establishment of the Army, lately adopted
by Congress renders it necessary that we should be furnished as
soon as possible with a full and accurate Return of the Troops be-
longing to our State, to lay before the General Assembly, that proper
and effectual Measures may be concerted to complete the Quota
assigned to this State, with the utmost Expedition. The Return of
the Maryland Troops transmitted to us by his Exy Genl Washington,
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 201