of the Council of Maryland. 337
3 pr Breech Bands, 4 pr Traces, 8 Collars, 8 Bridles, 4 Back Bands
& 4 Belly Bands.
[Council to ————— ]
Sir In Consequence of a Letter we have received from the Board
of War relative to proper Guards to be furnished Colo Rawlings, to
secure the British Prisoners, we are under the Necessity of requesting
you will immediately order one Officer and Sixty eight Rank & file
to march to Fort Frederick and to receive their Directions from Colo
Liber C C
No. 22
Monday 23th October 1780
Present as on Saturday.
Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Cecil County pay to
John D. Thompson Lieut of said County six thousand Pounds to
be by him Accounted for.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to James Brice Esqr one
hundred Dollars of the new Emission in part of his Salary on
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Richd Bird of the 5th Regt
three Pounds, fourteen shillings & six pence of the new Emission in
lieu of one hundred & forty eight Pounds ten shillings p Ace' passd
by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Jno Chever one pound, ten
shillgs & four pence half penny in lieu of Sixty Pounds fifteen shil-
lings due him p acct passed by the Aud. Genl
Ordered That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt Richard
Bird of the 5th Regimt thirteen and an half Gallons of Rum and
thirteen & an half Pounds of Coffee the deficiency of Stores to the Ist
That John Brice Esqr receive out of the State Shop 1 1 of Salt
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt. Richard Bird of
the 5th Regimt Cloth & Trimmings sufP for a Suit of Cloaths and
Linen for 2 Shirts on Account and also to Lt John Chever of the
late Capt. Gales Compy of Artillery 1 Coat, 1 Vest, 1 pr Stockings
i pr Shoes and I Shirt.
October 23
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 216
[Council to Capt. Geo p. Keeports]
Sir. We have received yours of the 22d Inst by Lieut Plant. We
wish you to purchase the Blankets you engaged the Refusal of, at
four silver Dollars or the Exchange in Paper Money, provided they
will answer the intended Purpose, in Point of Size and Quality
Liber C C
No, 22
p. 200