310 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C C
No. 22
Fine white Cloth, Shoes, Russia Sheeting, Drilling, Coarse blue &
Red Cloth, Blanketts, Oznabrigs, white Sheeting.
p. 191
[Council to Colo Fitzgerald or Mr. Rich'd Contee]
Sir. Enclosed is a Letter for Mr Robert Adam which we request
the Favor of you to deliver & that you will receive the Goods men-
tioned therein & send them over to Mr Rozer, immediately. Our
Motive for desiring this will immediately occur to you, please to
desire him to receive them and keep them in his Dwelling House,
until we can conveniently send for them, enclose the Bill of Parcels
by the Bearer. We would make an Apology for giving you this
Trouble but flatter ourselves it is not necessary as this Business is of a
public Nature and the immediate Object of it, cloathing our Army
October 2
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 202
Monday 2d October 1780
Present as on Saturday.
Commission issued to Edward Vondome appointed Sheriff of
Worcester County in the room of John Selby dead and in conse-
quence of the refusal of Jesse Bennett
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert Reith
Messenger to the Governor and Council one hundred and twenty five
Pounds 1 Mo. Salary to the 1st Inst.
That the said Treasurer pay to James Ryan three hundred and
twenty one Pounds, seven shillings and six Pence of the new Emis-
sion of this State in lieu of Twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty
five Pounds to be delivered over to Russell and Ryan for 14 pieces
of Irish Linen purchased for the use of the Maryland Officers by
John Randall p his order in their favor of the 17th May last.
That the said Treasurer pay to James Ryan Twenty five Pounds
of the new Emission in lieu of one thousand Pounds lent by him to
the Continent
That the said Treasurer pay to His Excy Thos S. Lee Esqr five
hundred Pounds of the new Emission to be delivd over to Colo
Thomas Price Comy for Fred. County on Account
p. 203
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Ignatius
Wheeler Contractor for Horses in Harford County four hundred
and six Pounds ten shillings of the new Emission of this State in lieu
of sixteen thousand, two hundred anH sixty and also Fifty six
Pounds, five shillings of the same Emission to be by him accounted
That the said Treasurer pay to Daniel Carroll Esqr Twenty five
Pounds of the new Emission in lieu of an order of the 14th July last.