30 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C C
No. 22
of your worthy Predecessor, whose Goodness of Heart impelled him,
on every Occasion to exert his extraordinary Abilities in promoting
such Measures as tended, not only to render the present happy Con-
nexion between France and America permanent, but to secure the
Happiness and Independence of the Latter. We have the Honor
to be &ca
p. 44
[Council to Mons'r. Terrasson, Baltimore.]
Sir. We are informed by the Attorney General that Boisbrun
was tried on two several Indictments for Theft and convicted, but
that the Court had suspended the Punishment which the Law ap-
points, until Application could be made to us and our Pleasure
known therein. The Good and Safety of the Community require
that Offenders should be punished, to restrain them from repeating
the Offence and to deter others whose malevolent Dispositions might
otherwise prompt them to imitate their pernicious Examples, from
violating the Law and disturbing the Tranquility of the State; yet,
in this particular Case, the Rigour of the Law may be relaxed to
avoid that Disquietude which a good and reputable Family would
suffer by inflicting an ignominious Punishment on the Culprit, and
we are willing to pardon the Offender, on Condition that he enlist
in the Service of the United States
December 4
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 88
Saturday 4th December 1779
Present as on Yesterday. —
Ordered That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Henry Dickin-
son two hundred and Eighty nine Pounds, five shillings due him per
Account passed by the Aud. Gen'
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Iunr
Two hundred Pounds for 4 months Salary as to the Govr & Council
to the 1st Inst.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Colo Forrest 2 pr French
hose and flannel sufft for 3 under Waistcoats, he paying the current
Prire for them. —
Nicholas Worthington, Allen Quynn and Nicholas Maccubbin
Junr Esquires Justices of the Peace for Ann Arundel County certify
that agreeable to an Act of Assembly entitled " An Act for the more
" effectual preventing forestalling and Engrossing and for other
" Purposes therein mentioned " [they] have seized one Schooner
Load of Wheat, in the Possession of Francis Baker, which from
Information contains about the Quantity of five hundred Bushels
and have delivered the same to Conrod Theodore Wederstrandt
Commissary of Purchases for the United States. —