Frederick Green, Thomas Johnson jr John Callahan, Isaac
M'Hard, Nicholas Harwood Joseph Cowman are appointed Signers
of the Bills emitted in Virtue of the Act to enable the Treasurer of the
western shore to draw and sell Bills of Exchange and for an Emis-
sion of Bills of Credit if necessary.
p. 192
[Council to Timothy Pickering Esqr]
Sir We received your Letter of the 5th Inst It gives us much Con-
cern to be informed that the State has been so grossly imposed on
by the Persons appointed to procure Horses on Account of the
United States for the Army. We think with you, that it will be more
for the Interest of the State to dispose of the Horses in Philadelphia,
that have been rejected as unfit for Service, than to have them sent
back, and do request you to inform Colo Saml Miles that we have
appointed him to sell them immediately and to transmit an Account
of the Age, Marks, Colours & Defects of each Horse and the Price
obtained for each, that we may endeavour to detect the Persons
who have committed the Impositions and compel them to answer for
their Conduct and to indemnify the State for the Loss that is likely
to be sustained thereby. We have sent under the Care of Lieut
Lucket, twenty seven Horses which have been examined by Mr Bul-
len and adjudged to be fit for Service. The Money arising from the
Sale of the rejected Horses, Colo Miles must pay to the Delegates
of this State.
[Council to Delegates in Congress]
Gent We have just Time to inform you that we have began to
emit the new Money from a Plate which we found would answer, and
request you to direct the Workmen not to make the Plates.
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 172