28 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C B
No. 23
Benton, Aquila Brown, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Benjamin Sudler and
Rezin Rowles appointed Justices of the Peace for Queen Anns
County also to John Browne, James Bordley James O Bryan Charles
Downes and Clement Sewell Judges of the Orphans Court for Q
Ann Coty
Nicholas Worthington, Richard Harwood junr Henry Ridgely,
Elijah Robosson Samuel Harrison, Allen Quynn, Reubin Merri-
wether, Samuel Harrison of Richard, Nicholas Dorsey Iunr Andrew
Ellicott, Richard Dorsey of Jno Henry Hall of Henry, Joseph Merri-
kin Samuel Godman, Richard Harrison of Richd Thomas Tongue,
Nicholas Maccubbin Junr John Bullen and William Hyde Justices
of the Peace for Ann Arundel County — and also to Nicholas Worth-
ington, Richard Harwood junr Elijah Robosson, Allen Quynn, Nich9
Maccubbin Iunr John Bullen and William Hyde Judges of the
Orphans Court for Ann Arundel County. —
December 3
Friday 3d December 1779
Present as on Yesterday Danl Carroll Esqr Attended
Commissions issued to Randolph Johnson appointed Capt, in the
room of Saml Abbott William Clark 1 Lt Solomon Robinson 2d Lieut
Walter Jenkins Ens. Mordecai Skinner 1 Lt Henry Coleston 2d
Lieut and Perry Benson Ens of Capt Henry Bannings Compy belong-
ing to the 38th Battalion of Militia in Talbot County.
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt George
Keeports, 12 Coats, 12 Waistcoats and 12 pair Shoes for the use of
the Matrosses in Baltimore. —
That the said Commissary of Stores deliver to Serjt Richard
Welsh, 14 Coats, 14 Waistcoats, 14 pr Stockings 14 pr Shoes and
14 pr Leather Breeches, he paying the Difference between the Leather
and Cloth Breeches for the use of the Matrosses at Annapolis due
them in January 1780 —
Commission of Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to Solomon
Frazier Commander of the Brigantine Talbot 150 Tons burthen,
navigated by 25 Men, mottnting 10 Carriage Guns, 10 Swivels and
24 small Arms, belonging to James Chamberlaine & others of Talbot
County. —
By his Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Governor of Maryland
A Proclamation
With the advice of the Council, I do hereby appoint Thursday
the ninth of this Inst. Decembr to be Observed throughout this
State as a Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer agreeably to the
Recommendation of Congress of the 20th of Octr last. Given &ca
Thos Sim Lee