therefore explain our Situation as fully as we can, by which you
may, in some Measure regulate your Conduct. By this Opportunity
we enclose Notes for 34 Hhds. of Tobacco, which we request you to
dispose of on the best Terms you can and to apply the Money to the
Purchase of Flour. We have Reason from Subscriptions already
made to assure you of a further Supply of 60 or 70 Hhds. for the
same Purchase. In Addition to this which will put a certain Sum
into your Hands, we flatter ourselves a further Collection will be
made of Tobacco. The Assessment in Tobacco is to collected in this
Month, which probably will be paid into the Treasury within the
Time directed, this will give us an Opportunity of raising a very
considerable Sum of Money and may be reckoned a certain Fund
and we flatter ourselves the New Money, which will be ready in next
Week, will, in a great Measure, assist the Purchase of Provision. We
do not know any good Reason why it should not circulate readily
at 40 for 1 and in all Contracts that must be the Standard; as the
State is to receive it at the same Rate, we hope, at least some Part
of the purchase may be made in it. From our present Difficulties
and the Necessity of supplying the Army immediately, we must
request you to procure the Flour on the best Terms you can. Under
these Circumstances an additional Quantity of Flour may possibly
be obtained on Loan. We request your Answer to this immediately ;
if it does not suit you to continue any Time in the Execution of this
Business, we cannot Doubt but we shall have your Assistance at this
particular Time
[Council to Dan'l Bowley, Esqr]
Sir. We wrote you by Mr Poe and are exceedingly anxious to
know when we may expect the Vessels from Baltimore intended
against the Enemy in our Bay, as we have given Governor Jefferson
Reason to expect that they would be ready about this Time. We are
afraid the Opportunity of doing any Thing effectual may be lost by
a Delay
[Council to Colo Thomas Price]
Sir We request you to have all the Wheat procured by you, manu-
factured immediately and forwarded with the Flour received, with
all Expedition to Baltimore and there delivered to Mr Thomas Don-
nellan. We are much in Want of the Hats and wish them to be sent
either to this Place or Baltimore by the first safe Conveyance
Liber C C
No. 32
Wednesday 6th September 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Gassa-
way one hundred and Twenty seven Pounds, ten shillings due him p
Acct passed by the Aud Gl
Liber C B
No. 23
September 6
p. 190