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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 251

That the Collector of the Tax for Ann Arundel County pay to
Richard Cowman Contractor for Horses &ca five thousand Pounds
on Account and also to Thomas Snowden six thousand Pounds to
be delivered over to Joshua Dorsey junr Contractor for Horses on
That the Collector or Collectors for Worcester County pay to Colo
Joseph Dashiell Two thousand three hundred and fifty two Pounds,
Eleven shillings and three pence on Account.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to James Bartclay Two
hundred and Twenty five Pounds due him p Acct passed by the
Aud. Genl & to be charged to the Regt Extra.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson junr Q to the
Govr & Council four hundred and sixteen Pounds, thirteen shillings
and four pence for 1 mo Salary to I Inst.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Brice Esqr one hundred and
thirty five Pounds in part of his Salary on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Jonathan Sellman one hun-
dred & Eighteen Pounds, fifteen shillings and the further sum of
one hundred and Eighty eight Pounds, seven shillings and six Pence
due him p Accts passed by the Aud. Genl
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to the said Capt. Jona Sell-
man 9 Gallons of Rum and 24 1 brown Sugar.
Commissions issued to John Postley appd Majr Isaac Evans Capt,
in the room of John Postley, Saml H. Round Capt in the room of
John Ratliff & William Stevenson 1 Lieut belonging to the Sine-
puxent Batt. of Militia in Worcester County.

Liber C B
No. 23

[Council to the Purchasers of Horses &ca on the Eastern Shore]

Sir We request you to have all the Horses, Waggons &ca pur-
chased or otherwise procured by you for public Service, sent, with
all Expedition to the Head of Elk, and delivered to Colo Henry Hol-
lingsworth, taking his Receipt for them

[Council to Capt. Berry]

Capt Berry You are to be in full Readiness to take the Continental
Troops at this Place on Board, early tomorrow Morning: you will
proceed with them and the Vessel with you, to such Place in Vir-
ginia, as shall be directed by the Commanding Officer, taking par-
ticular Care to keep out of the Way of all the Enemy's Vessels and,
as soon as you have landed the Troops, you will return, convoying
the Vessel which goes down with you, to this Place

[Council to George Dashiell Esqr.]

Sir We are sorry to hear you have not procured the Quota re-
quired from your County for the Regiment Extraordinary and for

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 152

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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