with Provision; we request you will act, and you are hereby ap-
pointed for that Purpose. We enclose you an Order on the Collector
of Kent County, for £4000 and have wrote to Mr Voorhees, pur-
chasing Commissary for Kent County, to furnish you with the
necessary Provision
[Council to Capt Nicholas Ruxton Moore]
Sir We have appointed and commissioned you Captain of the
voluntier Troop of Light Horse, raised in Baltimore Town, Thomas
Russel Lieutenant and Mark Pringle Cornet. We cannot too much
applaud that martial and patriotic Spirit which influenced yourself
and the Gentlemen who compose your Troop, to make so noble and
disinterested an Offer of your Services to your Country at a Time
when the Aspect of our Affairs is far from being flattering or
inviting. Your laudable Example cannot fail to excite an Emulation
in the Gentlemen of the respective Counties, that will render the
Militia of this State much more respectable.