Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Frederick County pay
to Adam Fischer six thousand Pounds to be expended in the Pur-
chases of Horses &ca under the Act to procure an Extra Supply of
Provisions &ca on Account.
That the Collector of the tax for Ann Arundel County pay to
Richard Cowman three thousand Pounds to be expended as afore-
That Mr John Crisall issue Rations to Elizabeth Murphy, Sarah
Pope Biddy Howard, Mary McDonald Mary Connolly, Mary Sam-
ine, Christian Ennis, Hannah Ashmy, Eve Moss, Betsy Isabel, Mary
Burnet Jane Elton and Mary Fennell the wives of Soldiers now
remaining in Annapolis who are entitled to Provisions under the
Laws of this State, until he receive further Orders from this Board
and that he keep particular and Separate Accounts thereof also the
names of their Husbands and the Counties they respectively enlisted
Commission of Letters of Marque and reprisal issued to James
McCoy Commander of the Brigantine Trooper 100 Tons burthen
navigated by 40 men, mounting 12 Carriage Guns 2 swivels and 14
small arms belonging to David Stewart & Co of Baltimore
Commissions issued to Job Garretson appointed Colo and William
McCubbin Lieut Colo of the Gun Powder Battalion of Militia in
Baltimore County.
Liber C B
No. 23
[Council to President of Congress]
Sir Last Evening we had the Honor to receive by Express your
Excellency's Letter of the 29th Ulto with a Resolution of Congress
of the same Date, directing Warrants to be drawn in Favor of the
Treasurer of the United States on the Treasurers of the several
States from New Hampshire to Maryland, inclusive, for their
respective Proportions of the ten Million of Dollars specially called
for by the Resolution of the 19th May last. When that Resolution
and the Letter accompanying it were received, the General Assembly
was not sitting, and we were induced from the urgent Necessity of
complying with it, to appoint Persons in the Several Counties of
this State to solicit a Loan of our Proportion of that Sum, and to
prevent, as far as possible the Evils that might result from a Failure.
We convened the General Assembly immediately, in Order that the
most efficacious Measures might be adopted to procure it. The
Resolution and Letter were laid before them and several Laws
enacted for the Purpose of obtaining the Quota of this State; in
Consequence of which and the Assessment Acts, not more than 200,-
ooo Dollars have been drawn into our Treasury, beyond what we
have advanced for the Use of the Continental Army which we can
assure your Excellency, though we cannot precisely ascertain the
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 133