196 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C C
No. 22
Assembly. It is provided, in Case of Loss to the Owner of any
Carriage or Vessel, the same shall be ascertained and paid for con-
formable to the Directions of the late Act. If any Commissioner has
departed this Life, the surviving Commissioners are empowered to
take into their Possession and Care, all the Flour and other Provi-
sions procured by him. The Flour and other Provisions in your
Possession are to be conveyed, with all possible Expedition to the
Head of Elk
N. B. To the Comm™ of Harford — excepting such Part of the
Flour as is most convenient to Baltimore Town, which we request
you to deliver to Mr Donnellan at that Place
Liber C B
No. 23
June 16
p. 162
p. 163
Friday 16th June 1780.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Muir Esqr
three hundred & thirty eight Pounds, fifteen shillings on Account.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to William John-
son a Recruit for the 2d Regimt a Suit of Cloaths the Bounty and one
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Joseph Williams six
thousand Pounds due him p Account passed by the Aud. Genl
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 116
[Council to Richard Dallam Esqr]
Sir We have received yours of the 7th & 14th Inst A Law is passed
for obtaining a Loan, which will be shortly published and every
Person willing to serve his Country that way, will know the Terms,
and your Friends have an Opportunity of lending the Money due
them from the State. We cannot say any Thing particularly about
the Provision you mention; the Subject is before the General Assem-
bly. By this Time, it is probable you can ascertain the Quantity of
Provision you have procured by Purchase, and by the Comm", by
Certificates, and what has been forwarded. We wish this to be done,
likewise to know what you have purchased, agreeable to our late
Request, and what you may reasonably expect to obtain.
p. 116
[Council to Thomas Donellan]
Sir We have Occasion to deliver to Mr Wm Smith, Flour to a
considerable Amount, We expect the Commissioners of Frederick
and Baltimore will immediately deliver you a Quantity; and the
Harford Comm™ are likewise directed to send to you the Flour in
their Hands most convenient to Baltimore Town, the whole of which
we request you will deliver to Mr Smith, if it should not exceed
3000 Barrels; if it should, you are to retain the Excess, and advise
us of the exact Quantity