1 8 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C B
No. 23
by 40 Men, mounting 12 Carriage Guns & 20 small Arms belonging
to John McLure & Compy dated 25 September.
Mr Nathaniel Smith of Harford County in the State of Maryland,
is appointed an Ensign in the fourth Maryland Regiment of Conti-
nental Troops, and it is requested, that a Commission may Issue to
him accordingly from the Board of War.
Commissions issued to John Thomas appointed Lieut Colo, John
Hanson Briscoe Major — Samuel Maddux 1 Lieut, Meveral Locke
2d Lieut and Raphael Neal Ens of Capt Charles Jordans Compy —
John Shanks Capt in the room of Gerard Bond, John Blackiston
1 Lt William Bayard 2 Lieut, Samuel Tennison Ens. — Francis Mil-
lard Capt in room of John Thomas William Thomas 1 Lieut, Clement
Power 2d Lieut, James Thomas Ens. — John Hooper Broome Capt
in the room of Thomas Attaway Reeder, John Cartwright 1 Lieut,
Zachariah Hammett 2d Lt Basil Hall Ens.— Robert Briscoe Ens. to
John Mills's Compy — Richard James Rapier Capt, in the room of
James Roach, William Rapier 1 Lieut, Joseph Woodward 2d Lt
John Greaves Ens — Edward Mattingly Capt in the room of William
Bond, Jonathan Edwards 1 Lieut, William Cartwright 2d Lieut,
James Boroughs Ensign belonging to the Upper Battalion of Militia
in Saint Marys County.
Commission issued to Jeremiah Jordan, Henry Reeder, Vernon
Hebb, Ignatius Taylor Bennett Biscoe, Hanson Briscoe, John
Shanks, John Ireland, Ignatius Fenwick, Robert Watts Robert
Armstrong, John H. Reade, Thomas Bond, William Killgore, John
Mackall and John De Butts appointed Justices of the Peace for
Saint Mary's County and also to Henry Reeder, John H. Reade,
Thomas Bond, William Killgore and John De Butts appointed
Judges of the Orphans Court for Saint Mary's County —
p. 82
Commission issued to Nichs Worthington, Richard Harwood
Junr Henry Ridgely, Elijah Robeson, Samuel Harrison Allen
Quynn, Reubin Merewether, Samuel Harrison of Richard, Nicholas
Dorsey jr Andrew Ellicott, Samuel Chase, Richard Dorsey of John,
Henry Hall of Henry, Joseph Merrikin Samuel Godman, Richard
Harrison of Richd, and Thomas Tongue appointed Justices of the
Peace for Ann Arundel County. — also to Nicholas Worthington,
Richard Harwood junr Elijah Robosson, Allen Quynn, Samuel
Chase Henry Hall of Henry and Joseph Merrikin apointed Judges
of the Orphans Court for Ann Arundel County and also to
John Dennis, John Selby Nehemiah Holland, Ebenezer Handy,
Thomas Purnell Sinepuxent, William Hopewell James Selby, Joshua
Townsend, John Purnell Robins, John Postley, Josiah Mitchell,
John Paramore John Pope Mitchell, Isaac Layfield, William Steven-
son, Peter Chaille, James Martin and Elijah Laws appointed Jus-
tices of the Peace for Worcester County, and to John Dennis, John