Liber C C
No. 22
burg. The Cloathing you require except the Shoes, Hats and Blank-
ets of which we have none here, shall be delivered to Colo Forrest
who has an Opportunity of sending them by one of your Waggons
[Council to Capt. Robt Berry]
Sir You are to proceed down the Chesapeake in the Plater State
Boat and keep a careful and diligent Look out for the Ships of War
and Cruisers of the Enemy, lest they are apprized of the Route of
our Troops destined for reinforcing the Southern Army, and may
attempt to intercept them on their Passage down the Bay. If upon a
careful Examination of the Vessels in the Bay, you receive any In-
telligence of the Enemy, you are to give immediate Information to
this Board and to the Vessels transporting Troops, which you may
fall in with on your Return. We recommend the greatest Attention
and Vigilance in the Execution of this important Trust, and wish
you a safe Return.
Same Letter sent to Capt Middleton of the Dolphin, with the fol-
lowing Addition. " The Letter to the Governor of Virginia must be
delivered, if possible, into the Hands of some proper Officer, to be
forwarded immediately to him."
[Council to Mr Isaac Griest, Balto.]
Sir We are informed by Colo Hollingsworth, that a Detachment
of three Thousand Troops, is to be transported immediately from
the Head of Elk to Virginia, and that he cannot procure a Sufficient
Number of Vessels at that Place, for the Purpose. We have enclosed
you a Press Warrant, and must request you to undertake to execute
it and get all the Vessels you can and send them to the Head of Elk ;
the Importance of this Service, we don't doubt, will induce you to
CJtcrt youroclf. The Slcippero are to apply to Collo Hollingsworth
at the Head of Elk, for Orders.
April 28
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 145
Friday 28th April 1780.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That William Yielding Deliver to Capt. William Mid-
dleton of the Dolphin all the Flour in his possession belonging to
the Continent.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Edward Dyer of
the 2d Regin^ 3 yds Linen for Lining and 2 pr Stockings in part of
the Articles alld by the Genl Assembly.
That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Doct. Ephraim Howard
50 or 60 is Cannon Powder, provided it sells for more than £13. in
Baltimore & if more Dr Howard is to pay him the price it sells for.