142 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C B
No. 23
use of Colo Wm Bordley and one hundred and Eighty six Pounds,
five shillings for the use of Daniel Fisher as p Accounts passed by
the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Serjt John Lindiff, three hundred
& four Pounds seventeen shillings & six Pence p Acct passed by the
D. Aud.
p. 139
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Ens Caleb
Mason of the 2d Regiment 3 yds Linen for Lining and 2 pr Stockings
in part of the Articles allowed by the Genl Assembly.
That the said Commissary deliver to Benjamin Fitzgerrald a Re-
cruit for the 7th Regt one Suit of Cloaths the Bounty allowed by the
late Act of Assembly.
That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Ens. Caleb Mason of the
2d Regt Cloth sufF for a Suit of Cloaths, 3 yds shalloon and 1 pr
Brittanies of the 3d Quality in part of the Articles &ca
That the said Geo. Keeports deliver to Lieut. James John Skinner
of the 7th Regimt 1 ps of Brittanies of the 2d Quality in part of the
Articles &ca
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Chrisf Birkhead Two
hundred and Eighteen Pounds, fifteen shillings for the use of Thomas
Martin, three hundred and twenty two Pounds for the use of Edward
Trippe and one hundred and ninty Pounds for the use of James
Smith p Accts passed by the Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Stephen West three thousand, two
hundred and forty three Pounds, fifteen shillings for 170 pr of
Stockings purchased of him by the Governor and Council for the
use of the Army.
April 15
Saturday 15 April 1780.
Present as on yesterday.
Benjamin Bunbury is recommended by this Board to his Excel-
lency General Washington or the Commanding Officer at Elizabeth
Town for his Licence to go into the City of New York for the Pur-
pose of obtaining a Passage to Ireland agreeably to a Resolve of the
House of Dei, this Inst
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Weltha Flem-
ming Thirty three Pounds p Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the Collector of the Tax for Baltimore County pay to Capt.
John Smith of the 3d Regimt six thousand Dollars to be expended in
the recruiting Service and Accounted for.
That Capt. Geo. Keeports deliver to Richard Sappington Surgeon
to the 1st Reginf Cloth suffl for a Suit of Cloaths, 3 yds shalloon,
& 1 ps Brittanies of the second Quality in part of the Articles allowed
by the Genl Assembly.