132 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C B
No. 23
That the said Treasurer pay to Daniel Jenifer twenty five Pounds
four shillings due him pr Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn Esqr four hundred
and thirty Eight Pounds seven shillings and six Pence p accts passed
by the D. Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Middleton two hundred
and ninty seven Pounds seven shillings and six Pence due him p
Acct passed by the D. Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Elie Vallette six hundred and
twenty five Pounds due him p Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Robert Bailey, Andrew
Hughes, and Edward Edwards of the 1 Regr James Eady, Neil
Jones, Roger Landers William Newcomb, James Mason, Lambert
Thompson and Joseph Ray of the 2d Regiment each one Shirt to be
charged to the several Regimts
Commission of Letter of Marque & Reprisal issued to Levin
Trippe Commr of the Schooner Isabella 60 Tons burthen, navigated
by 15 Men, mounting 6 Carriage Guns four Swivels and 8 Musketts,
belonging to William Neil of Baltimore Town.
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 85
[Council to John Needles Esqr. Shff of Talbot County]
Sir The Enclosure is a Copy of the Law for the Adjournment of
the General Court for the Eastern shore, which passed the Seals
Yesterday. You are requested to publish it immediately in Talbot
County and give the earliest Notice of the Adjournment to the Sher-
iffs of Queen Ann's, Caroline and Dorchester, who may have Oppor-
tunities of informing the People from the upper and lower as well
as those of their respective Counties, by which Inconvenience and
Expence of Attending will be avoided
Liber C B
No. 23
April 7
p. 134
Friday 7 April 1780.
Present as on Yesterday —
Ordered That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Ens John Lowe
of the 2d Regimt 3^ yds. Cloth, and 3 yds shalloon in part of the
Articles Allowed by the Genl Assembly.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to the said John Lowe 3
yds Linen for Lining in part of the Articles &ca
That the said Commissary deliver to Hampton Coursey, a recruit
for the 2d Regimt Samuel Davis, James Currer, John Blair, & Charles
Cramphin recruits for the 7 Regt and also to Alexander Austin and
John Murrens and John Sewell Recruits for the Regt lately Raw-
lings's each one Suit of Cloaths, the Bounty allowed by the late Act
of Assembly.