Liber C B
No. 23
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Keene a Commr for Caro-
line County one thousand Pounds to enable him to Carry into Execu-
tion the Act for the immediate Supply of Flour and other Provisions
for the Army on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Sands forty five Pounds
due him per Account passed by the Depy Aud.
That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Nathaniel Potter one
thousand Dollars to enable him to Carry into Execution the Act for
the immediate Supply of Flour &ca
It appearing from a Certificate of the President of the State of
Delaware of the 20th of March last Deposited with this Board, that
Freeborn Garretson who hath given Bond for his Personal appear-
ance before the Executive Council of the said State of Delaware,
that the Tennor of the said Bond is complyed with. It is therefore
Ordered that the same be Cancelled.
On the Application of William Smith Esqr of Baltimore Town
who is to this Purpose commissioned and Authorized by Mr Kolker
who is Agent for the Marine of His most Christian Majesty Licence
is hereby granted to Lade and Export in the Schooner Baltimore
now lying in the Port of Baltimore, her Cargoe of Flour and other
Provisions for the use of the Fleet and Army of his most Christian
Majesty in the West Indies, the said Schooner clearing out at the
proper Office and the Captain complying with the Act of Assembly
in such Case made and Provided.
Commission issued to Robert Berry appointed Captain of the State
Boat Plater.
Commission issued to Richard Ellis appointed Surveyor of Cecil
County in the room of Heza South resigned and also to John Page
appointed Sheriff of Kent County in the room of William Hall
Robert Smith is recommended by this Board to His Excellency
Genl Washington or the commanding Officer at Elizabeth Town for
his Licence to go into the City of New York for the Purpose of
obtaining a Passage to Great Britain agreeably to a Resolve of the
House of Delegates of the 31 of March.
Commissions issued to Richd B. Carmichael appd Capt, in the room
of John Dames, Henry D. Coursey 1 Lt Saml W. Thomas 2d U
Robert Dawson Ens. Chs Cooke Capt, in the room John R. Emory,
Thomas Bailey 1 Lt James Stinson 2d Lt James Austin Ens. and