Liber C C
No. 22
hasten the manufacturing of the Wheat in your Hands; the Flour
and Wheat taken from the French Agents excepted.
The following Post script to be added, to the Commissioners for
Baltimore County, " The enclosed Order on the Collector of Balti-
more County for £8000 is sent at Mr Stevenson's Request, contained
in his Letter of the 8th Inst "
[Council to Mr. John Page, Kent County]
Sir — We have received yours of the 2d Inst and approve of your
Storing, at convenient Landings the Provisions collected in Virtue
of the Act for the immediate Supply of Flour and other Provisions
for the Army: they must certainly be transported with more Expe-
dition as well as Ease by Water, than by Land and it must have been
the Intention of the Legislature to furnish the Army in the Manner
the least burthensome and inconvenient to the State, if it could be
done with equal Speed and as you are peculiarly circumstanced, the
Mode you have adopted is the most preferable. You are to retain in
your Hands the Vessel and Grain, which is said to be the Property of
Mr James Hutchings, until you make a thorough and satisfactory
Enquiry into the Nature of that Transaction. If the Cargoe is the
Property of the State, the Vessel must have been freighted by some
of the Commissioners to remove it, of this you may satisfy yourself
without Difficulty. You have an undoubted Right to seize the Grain,
Flour &ca which may be found in the Hands of Mr Wederstrandt and
every other Person under the Restrictions pointed out by the Law.
We invariably directed the Commissioners to seize, as the Law war-
rants, all the Flour and Grain purchased for the French Agent, of
which they are to take a particular Account and transmit to this
Board, but no such Flour or Grain is to be removed or sent forward
to Camp, without our further Orders; this is mentioned for your
Government in such Cases. The Purchases of Millers are equally
liable to Seizure, the Law makes no Distinction betwixt them and
other Purchasers. The Ship Stuff and Bran you are to send an Order
on the Collector of Kent County for £2000 and Certificates are here-
with sent agreeably to your Request
p. 76
[Gov. Lee to Colo. Henry Hollingsworth]
Sir Aaron Ringrose Skipper of a Boat with 117 Barrels of Flour,
this Moment called upon me for Instructions as to its Destination.
The Flour is sent by Colo p. Tilghman one of the Commissioners
for Talbot County, who did not know to whom the Council and I
would have it forwarded and by his Directions, I have been applied
to. The wind is fair and the Man uneasy to get under way, I have
therefore, for the Sake of Dispatch, which is essentially necessary
at this critical luncture, and without troubling the Council in the
Business, ordered him to deliver his Cargoe to you