xviii Letter of Transmission.
On the I4th instant, the House, by a vote of 28 to 9, adopted an address,
asking Gov. Bladen to pay Stephen's Bordley's claim to the land upon which
the Governor's house was being built. The minority is singularly composed;
all the Calvert men (except Hall who was absent), Nicholas Goldsborough of
Talbot, all the Dorchester members except LeCompte, Tasker of Annapolis and
Henry of Worcester. A division on the i6th resulted in 27 votes against allow-
ing a claim of the Sheriff of Anne Arundel County for payment of fees for
imprisonment of Indians. The minority comprised the 3 delegates from
Somerset, Thomas and John Goldsborough of Talbot, all the Dorchester dele-
gation except LeCompte, Colvill and George of Cecil, Osborn Sprigg of Prince
George's, the two Annapolitans, Pemberton and Wright of Queen Anne's, and
all the Worcester members except Purnell. There were four divisions upon
May 17. In addition to the two upon the Worcester elections, by a vote of 23
to 22 (most of the Proprietary party voting in the negative) the Lower House
decided to divide Prince George's County according to the bill (Osborn Sprigg
from that County voted No).
On the same day, the House voted, 28 to 16, not to allow certain accounts for
negotiations with the Indians. The negative was largely Proprietarian:
Calder of Kent, King and Gale of Somerset (Stoughton voted nay), Thomas
and John Goldsborough of Talbot, all the Dorchester men except LeCompte,
Colvill and George of Cecil (Pearce and Hyland voted nay), the Annapoli-
tans, Pemberton and Wright of Queen Anne's, and Henry and Robins of
Worcester (Purnell and Selby voted nay).
On the 18th, the Prince George's County division bill passed by a vote of
28 to 12: Swann of St. Mary's, all the Kentish men except Calder, the three
Anne Arundel men present (Hammond was absent most of the session), Brome
of Calvert, Stoughton of Somerset, John Goldsborough of Talbot, Trippe of
Dorchester, and Wootton of Prince George's cast the negative votes—I find no
connection between them.
May 23 saw the House vote, 28 to 17, to offer the Proprietary an equivalent
for the quitrents. The tobacco raising counties of Southern Maryland fur-
nished the negative votes: 3 from St. Mary's, 3 from Anne Arundel, 4 from
Calvert, 2 from Charles (Harrison voted aye), three from Prince George's,
Nicholas Goldsborough of Talbot, and Sheredine of Baltimore were the only
other negative votes.
On the 25th, the Lower House decided, by a vote of 32 to 16, not to reintro-
duce another bill to raise money for arms. The minority votes were cast by the
Somerset delegation of 4, Trippe and LeCompte of Dorchester (Ennalls and
Hindman voted no), Colvill and George of Cecil (Pearce and Hyland voted
no), the 2 Annapolitans, Wright of Queen Anne's, and the 4 from Worcester.