xii Letter of Transmission.
By a vote of 14 to 30, on October 13, the House again refused to call the
Calvert Justices of the Peace before it for censure. The affirmative votes came
from Swann and Chesley of St. Mary's, the Greshams of Kent, Williamson of
Charles, Smith and Hall of Calvert (the others being again absent), Sheredine
of Baltimore, Stoughton of Somerset, Carroll, Hall and Worthington of Anne
Arundel and Magruder and Wootton of Prince George's. Upon the further
question as to whether a resolution of censure should be entered upon the
Journal, 31 voted in the affirmative and 13 in the negative. The negative votes
were those of the affirmative on the previous motion except that Waughop and
Swann of St. Mary's changed sides, as did Carroll of Anne Arundel.
The House voted on October 15, by 25 to 17, to offer the Proprietary an
equivalent for his quit rents, the negative votes being cast by the St. Mary's
delegates, those present from Anne Arundel and Prince George's, by Small-
wood and Yeates of Charles, Smith and Hall of Calvert, Colvill of Cecil and
the Goldsboroughs of Talbot. In general, the tobacco raising portions of the
Province opposed the measure. In a second division on the same day, the House
voted not to pass a bill to regulate ferries, by a vote of 15 to 29. In favor of the
bill were the two Greshams of Kent, Smallwood, Harrison and Yeates of
Charles, and the delegates present from Calvert, Anne Arundel and Prince
George's, together with Caswell of Baltimore. The third division on that day
determined that "the support of government" should not be added to quit
rents. Only six delegates: the Greshams, George of Cecil, Scott of Baltimore,
Ennalls of Dorchester, and Tasker of Annapolis voted for the proposal but
37 voted nay.
On October 18, the House refused to allow former Governor Ogle some fees
as chancellor, by a vote of 7 to 30, only Calder of Kent, Colvill of Cecil, King,
Stoughton and Martin from Somerset, Wright of Queen Anne's and Gordon
of Annapolis voting for the appropriation. On the next day, the House voted
not to consider whether the accounts for officers fees should be allowed as
charged under the Lord Baltimore's proclamation, by a vote of 25 to 16. The
dissentients were Swann of St. Mary's, Richard Gresham (they voted sepa-
rately for once) and Wilson of Kent, all the Charles delegates except Small-
wood, Smith and Brome of Calvert, the three Baltimore delegates present,
Carroll and Worthington of Anne Arundel, Magruder and Wootton of Prince
George's, and Wilkinson of Queen Anne's. The question was then put as to
whether any alteration should be made in the report of the Committee of
Accounts as to officers fees and it was decided to uphold the report, by a vote
of 23 to 18. The nays were Swann of St. Mary's, all the Kentish men except
Calder, all the Charles delegates except Smallwood, Smith and Brome of Cal-
vert, the three Baltimore delegates present, Carroll and Worthington from