504, 506, 507, 511, 513, 522,
524, 532, 535, 539-542, 544,
546, 550, 551, 556, 557, 561,
562, 564, 566-569, 576-578, 581,
587, 590.
Snow Hill Town, 283, 287, 289,
306, 345, 351, 353, 355, 356,
378, 409, 418, 429, 629.
Snowden, Richard, 25, 59, 111,
224, 255.
*Snowden's Reputation Sup-
ported, 224, 255. *Search,
224, 255.
Soldier's Delight, 420.
Somerset County, 93, 180, 184,
185, 190, 192, 194, 204, 226,
231, 238, 239, 257, 268, 276,
280, 283, 287-289, 291-293,
297, 306, 309, 314, 335, 350,
351, 353, 355, 356, 359-361,
378, 380, 399, 409, 417, 421,
428, 457, 476, 483-485, 492,
503, 522, 540, 553, 568, 578,
610, 653-655, 657. Parish,
Spain, War with, 1-3, 20, 22,
23. 124, 127, 266, 268, 375,
482, 485, 488, 489, 515, 525.
Spalding Catherine (Kathar-
ine), 25, 113, 166, 172, 174,
181, 190, 204, 205, 211, 214,
217, 219, 230, 242, 252.
Thomas, 25, 113, 166, 172,
174, 181, 100, 204, 205, 211,
214, 217, 219, 230, 242, 252.
Sparrow, Thomas, 507.
Speake, Bowling, 212. Mary,
Speedwell (Vessel), 62, 122.
Speven, William, 59.
Sprigg, Edward, I, 6, 7, 9, 10,
21, 93, 94. 99-104, 107, 108,
112, 115, 118, 155, 169, 174,
180, 185, 188, 189, 192, 193,
198-200, 204 205, 211, 214,
215, 218, 225, 227, 229, 230,
242, 243, 263, 265, 266, 309,
310, 315, 325, 326, 334, 336,
353, 354, 357, 374, 376, 382,
384, 454, 503, 508, 513, 526,
527, 537, 550, 552, 579, 581,
591, 592, 663, 664. Os,
born, 93, 101-104, 107, 108,
112, 115, 192, 193, 198, 205,
214, 215, 219, 225, 229, 230,
239, 242, 277, 286, 200, 292,
299, 309, 312, 324, 327, 331,
332, 334, 339, 342, 344, 347,
352, 353, 355, 358-362, 364,
365, 367, 373-375, 382, 383,
413, 461, 462, 472, 474, 504,
507, 512, 513, 519, 521, 524,
528, 530-533, 538-544, 548,
550. 551, 556, 561, 562, 566,
569, 572, 575, 591, 592.
Spry, John, 61.
Steel, John, 41.
Stepney Parish, 453.
Sterling, Rev., 94.
Stoddert, James, 432,
Stokes, George, 636, 637. Hum-
phrey Wills, 470, 480, 489,
500, 547, 548, 565, 577, 584,
586, 636-640. John, 636, 637.
Mary, 470, 480, 489, 500, 547,
548, 551, 565, 566, 577, 584,
586, 636-640.
Stuart (Stewart), Dr. George,
336, 339, 369.
Stoughton, William, 93, 95, 168,
193, 194, 204, 209, 214, 215,
220, 225, 228-230, 268, 271,
273, 289, 299, 311-313, 315,
317, 3i8, 322-325, 327, 334,
337-342, 344, 348, 356, 357,
359-362, 364, 365, 373-375, 380,
383, 449, 463, 468, 478, 488,
503-505, 512-514, 521, 522,
524, 532-534, 537-539, 541-544,
547, 549, 556, 561, 562, 564,
566, 568, 569, 572, 577, 581,
Sumner, John, 47, 55, 122.
Susquehanna River, 573, 574,
Sutton, Ashbury, 282, 340, 349.
Swann, James, 103, 104, 107,
108, 169, 181, 183, 185, 104,
204, 211, 212, 214, 215, 225,
228-230, 234, 239, 309, 324,
327, 331-333, 339, 342, 344, 348,
352-354, 360-362, 364, 365, 373,
375, 457, 461, 469, 503, 513,
522, 524, 528, 532, 533, 539,
545, 550, 556, 561, 562, 567,
569, 572, 576, 577, 58i, 590.
Synepuxent, 530.
Talbot County, 93, 167, 178,
192, 194, 227, 238, 268, 276,
282, 288, 293, 297, 306, 309,
3", 313, 333, 340, 345, 399,
421, 453, 464, 482-485, 488,
491, 494, 501, 503, 522, 535,
536, 545, 642.
Tariner, Nathaniel, 56.
Tarvin, George, 483, 485.
Tasker, Benjamin, Sr., 1, 8, 13,
17, 18, 21, 24, 31, 36, 40, 42,
44-47, 49, 51-53, 67, 69, 71, 94,
105, 110, 118, 119, 128, 151,
153, 155, 156, 158-163, 170,
178, 179, 193, 247, 254, 263,
265, 266, 268, 270, 276, 279,
284, 293, 304, 310, 336, 447,
449-451, 460, 470, 478, 485,
494, 498, 587, 589, 648, 658,
669. Benjamin, Jr., 275, 280,
291, 300, 304, 327, 332, 334,
336, 339, 341, 342, 344, 352,
355, 357, 359-361, 365, 373,
375, 383, 461, 470, 473, 479,
503, 513, 521, 524, 532, 533,
539, 541-543, 545, 548, 549,
556, 561, 562, 564, 566, 567,
569, 572, 576, 577, 590.
Tate, Francis, 276, 288, 293,
306, 421.
Taxation, 6, 8, 90, 105, 189,
190, 236, 237, 240, 243, 244,
263, 270, 272, 274, 278, 279,
281, 303, 305, 314, 315, 318,
319, 323, 325, 328, 332, 340,
358, 366, 367, 378, 380, 381,
383, 385, 395, 444, 510, 536,
649, 659, 671.
Taylor, Joseph, 58. Michael,
25, 28, 29, 78, 113-117, 146,
150, 202, 203. William, 372.
Templeman, Henry, 165, 180,
183, 185, 190, 201, 226, 239,
Temporary Laws, 16, 80, 81, 84,
87, 95,
Tequassimo Indians, 262.
Terrett, Nicholas, 25, 164.
Testamentary Law, 226, 343,
Thomas, Governor, of Pennsyl-
vania, 667-669. Philip, 265,
271, 272, 276, 281, 284, 288,
289, 303, 323, 338, 347, 355,
356, 444, 452, 454, 458, 466,
467, 470, 475, 481, 496-498,
529, 539, 551, 576, 577, 589,
591. William, 9, 10, 25, 101,
104, 107, 108, 111, 115, 180,
194, 198, 204 214, 215, 225,
229, 230, 243, 267, 268, 309,
310, 312, 314, 324, 327, 331-333,
339, 341-344, 348, 352, 354
355, 360-362, 364, 365, 373,
374, 375, 471, 503, 504, 513,
522, 524, 539, 541-544, 546,
549, 556, 557, 561, 562, 566,
569, 572, 576, 577, 581, 590.
Thompson, John, 60, 63, 485.
Tilghman, Edward, 297, 483,
485. Richard, 37, 66, 77, 119,
Tobacco petition to prevent
making of seconds or direct-
ing a certain quantity to be
burned yearly, 453. tax on
exportation, 502, 517-519, 592
for arms, 524-528. time of
shipping, 534, 535, 566. for
agent; see Assembly, tax
for Governor, 286, 291, 299,
306, 331, 332, 341, 353, 359,
431, 534, 536, 566. improve-
ment of staple of 545. tax
in lieu of quitrents, 549,
561-563. taken by enemy
or pirates, 650. plants, cut-
ting up of, etc., 9, 15, 26, 27,
78, 98, 102, 113, 114, 123, 141,
454, 460, 463, 499, 512, 513,
524, 598, 599. improper levy
of 212, 213, 215, 236, 237, 395.
tax on Naval Officers, Return
of 307, 308. burners, 178.
improper levy of money for,
330, 340. allowances for
judges and jurors, 404. in-
spection law, 453. exported,
Tax on for arms, etc., 6, 19,
105, 107, 108, 184, 186, 206,
209, 240, 300-302, 344, 365,
372, 375, 453, 454, 511, 513,