Bears, 455, 458, 459, 499, 514,
523, 525, 529, 584, 594,
Beatty, William, 294.
Beef, Barrels for, 9, 14, 26, 99,
102, 114, 115.
Bell, John, 54.
Bellican, Christopher, 670.
Belt, Joseph, 634.
Benefit of Clergy (see Crimi-
nal Law), 9, 15, 26, 27, 78,
98, 102, 113-115, 124, 141.
Rennet. Richard, 37, 38, 57,
119, 120, 123.
Benson, Hugh, 212.
Biggs. Jernegan, 76, 231, 232,
368, 371.
Biggs, William, 28, 29, 31, 78,
117, 146-150.
Bills of Credit, 7, 11, 12, 15,
33, 96-98, 100, 125, 128, 156,
163, 164, 167, 176-179, 182,
193, 196, 199, 200, 216, 227,
243, 246, 247, 269, 270, 206,
312, 317, 318, 373, 381, 395,
443, 450, 480-487, 495-498,
504, 567, 577, 593, 659.
Bladen, Thomas, Opens Ses-
sion of Assembly of 1742,
265, 266, 310. Tax for benefit
of, 286, 291, 209, 306, 331,
332, 341, 353, 359, 364, 365,
431. Address from Upper
House, 268, 269. Governor's
House, 298, 299, 301, 303,
307, 345, 350, 307, 374, 38u,
383, 440. Signs bills, 274
305-307, 375. Address con-
cerning Indians, 295, 304.
Prorogues Assembly, 307, 308,
384. Addresses of Lower
House, 312, 314, 315, 317,
355, 357, 380-383. Intervenes
for Ex-Governor Ogle, 336,
338. Approved by Lower
House, 366, 367. Opens Ses-
sion of 1744, 447, 504. Ad-
dress of Upper House to,
449, 450. Named, 486, 408,
508, 600. Prorogues Session,
501, 593, Address of Lower
House to, 504, 506, 507. 509,
511. Lord Baltimore's Praise
of, 506. Address on Gov-
ernor's House, 511, 512, 520,
521, 530-533, 541, 551, 556,
557, 564, 566, 580. Message
on Indian Affairs, 549, 558,
560, 568-575, 581-584, 586,
587. Messages on Arms, 515,
553, 557, 505. Correspon-
dence on Tobacco Tax, 516,
519. Address to, on quit
rents, 561-564. Concerning
records, 591, 592. Instruc-
tions of Proprietary to, 649,
656-658, 667.
Bladen, William, 66, 67.
Bladensburgh, 275, 284, 285,
290, 306, 326, 347, 358, 413,
416, 457, 459, 465, 467, 469,
499, 530, 604.
Blandford, John, 165, 169, 171,
174, 190, 201, 209, 211, 215,
218, 219, 237, 248, 249.
Blay, Edward, 670.
Eleven, Richard, 54.
Bohemia River, 253, 595.
Bond, Thomas, 467.
Bonds, 227, 228.
Bordley, J, 97, 313. Stephen,
508, 509, 511, 520, 532.
Thomas, 55, 508, 520, 532.
Bourdillon, Benedict, 289, 420.
Bowman, Samuel, 54.
Boyd, John, 467, 495, 498.
Bozman, Risden, 345, 346, 536,
Bradford, Benjamin, 482.
Braithwait Given, 59.
Brannock, John, 99, 101-104,
107, 108, 181, 194, 230.
Brashieres (Brasier), Robert,
233, 279, 288, 293, 306, 421.
Brett, Katharine (Catharine),
276, 288, 293, 306, 349, 351,
Brewster, Thomas, 483.
Brice, John, 297.
Bricles, Richard, 43-45.
Britains Bay, 252.
Broad Creek, 350, 428, 653, 655.
Broaded, Gideon, 54.
Brome (Broome), John, 30, 94,
101-104, 107, 108, 115, 117,
175, 192, 198, 204, 214, 220,
^5, 229, 230, 069, 316, 324.
327, 333, 347, 348, 352-354,
360-362, 364, 365, 373-375,
456, 475, 503, 513, 522, 524.
532, 539-544, 550, 551, 556,
561, 562, 566-569, 572, 576,
577, 58i, 590.
Brooke, Clement, 56, 61, 62.
Brown, David, 466, 540, 610.
John, 495, 498. Robert, 495,
498. Thomas, 279, 288, 293,
306, 421.
Browning, John, 449, 505, 506,
647-649, 651, 657-659, 668.
Buchanan, Archibald, 57. Neal,
495- 498.
*Buck Lodge, 294.
*Buckingham, 629.
Bullen, John, 156, 162.
Buncle, Alexander, 409, 417.
Burdus, Richard, 525, 575.
Burke, —— , 298. Richard, 506,
Burley, Richard, 156.
*Burntwood, 426. 600.
Burroughs (Burros), William,
27-29, 31, 78, 114-117, 146,
Busey, Paul, 279, 288, 293, 306,
Bushell, William, 54.
*Bushwood Manor, 351.
Butcher, Sarah, 28, 29, 31, 78,
117, 146-150.
Calder, James, 7, 91, 93-95, 99,
104, 107-109, 112, 115-118,
168, 174, 189, 192-104, 198,
205, 210, 214, 215, 219, 225,
226, 229, 230, 239, 242, 244,
266, 267, 271, 285, 289, 290,
300-312, 314, 318, 320, 324,
327, 331-333, 335, 337, 339,
341, 342, 344, 348, 352, 355,
358-362, 364, 365, 373-375,
382, 383, 470, 486, 504, 507,
511, 513, 521, 522, 524, 528,
530-532, 539-545, 549, 550, 556,
560, 591, 592.
Caldwell, John. 68. 350, 428.
Calvert, Benedict, 358. Bene-
dict Leonard, 490, 493.
Charles, Lord Baltimore, 60,
266, 267, 310, 311, 317, 323,
329, 647-649, 651, 656-672.
Addresses and answers to,
304, 354, 363-366, 373, 379,
380, 448, 449, 505, 567, 591.
Gov. Charles, 46, 47. Charles,
206, 358. Cecilius, 206.
Leonard, 206.
Calvert County, 93, 170, 171,
175, 190, 192, 209, 212, 216,
217, 220, 238, 267, 269, 288,
293, 3o6, 309, 312, 316, 330,
333, 339, 340, 399, 421. Court
House repaired, 237, 250, 482,
483, 484, 503,
Campbell's Branch, 595.
Canada, 574.
Cannon, 43-45.
Carde. Elizabeth, 58.
Carroll, Dr. Charles, 13, 10, iy,
48, 93, 94, 99, 101-103, 107,
109, 112, 115, 117, 128, 156,
158-163, 180, 192, 193, 198,
204, 205, 213-215, 225, 226,
229, 230, 233, 239, 242, 247,
263, 265, 267, 294, 309-313,
324, 327, 331-333, 339, 342,
344, 348, 352-354, 359-362, 364.
365, 373-375, 381-383, 426,
444, 503, 504, 513, 517-519,
521, 522, 524, 530, 532, 539,
544, 549-551, 556, 557, 559,
561, 562, 566, 567, 569, 572,
576, 577, 580, 581, 590-592,
600. Charles, Esq., 338, 354,
466, 473, 477, 501, 546, 548,
586, 665, 666. Daniel, 630.
Carson, Samuel, 61.
Carter, James, 27-29, 31, 78,
114-117, 145-150.
Cartwright. William, 482, 483,
Caswell, Richard, 94, 101-104,
107, 108, 115, 193, 199, 269,
285, 292, 296, 297, 311, 312,
324, 327, 331, 332, 334, 339,
341, 342, 344, 348, 351-353,
359-362, 364, 365, 373-375.
Cathcart, Charles, Lord, 127.
Cavalry, 369.
Cecil County, 27, 28, 31, 78,
93, 114, 115, 146-150, 155, 164,
166, 173-175, 180, 181, 184,
185, 190, 192, 197, 209-211,
216, 218, 223, 226, 238, 239,
242, 249, 253, 257, 271, 272,