of Seven Ensigns 5/ a Day each 638.. 15.. 0
of Twenty eight Serjeants 1/6 a Day each 766..10..0
of Twenty eight Corporals & 7 Drurners 1/2
a Day each 745.. 4..2
of Six hundred & nine private Soldiers 9s a
Day each 8342.. 13...9
of two Surgeons at 6/ a Day each 219.. 0..0
of a Commissary of Stores & Mustors at i2/
a Day 219.. 0..0
Additional Pay to one of the Subalterns as Adjutant 4/ 73.. 0..0
Cloathing Six hundred & Seventy two Men at £4 each 2688.. 0..0
Victualling 731 Persons 4 Women being allowed each
Compy at the Rate of nine pence a Day for each | 10005...11...3
Remains for Contingencies 82.. 6.. 9
Levy Money £5 a Man
No. 405
The Following Hints are to be Submitted to His Lordship's Pe-
rusall & Consideration Only, And in order to frame proper Instruc-
tions to His Governor.
There are Some Points in Dispute, not to be receded from in any
manner; And Others, which may Admit Concessions.
Of The First Sort, Are, The Law for Support of Government,
His Lordship's power of regulating Officer's fees. The 14s p Ton :
And His Lordship's right to His Surplus Lands. Qu. ferrys, when
Councils opinion is Had: But it may be observed, That altho the
Support for Governmt ought not to be weakned, yet perhaps It may
some time or another be strengthned, And for which no Opportunitys
must be omitted: Also Altho no Attack must take place or be in
the least Countenanced agst. His Lordship's power of regulating
the Officers fees; Yet If a Perpetuall Law for ascertaining such fees
on a reasonable regulation should be offered, for the Satisfaction of
All Partys, It may be adviseable to Accept it; Or If a Strong & plain
Objection Could be made to the Exorbitancy of any of the now fees,
The Govr & Councill may be permitted to moderate it: And in order
to the better maintenance of, or rather Silencing the Murmers against
His Lordship's right to the surplus Lands as well as for a further
Incouragemt to the possessors to discover & take it up; This Ex-
pedient of Lessening the present Charges & Expences of paying for,
Surveying &c patenting the Surplus Lands, will in all probability
answer the purpose, And which May be effected by abating some-
thing of what His Ldpp now receives for such Surplus, And by re-
ducing the Surveyors & Land offices fees in taking up such Lands :
With Regard to the Suits now Depending & brought by Discovers
of Surplusage Lands under His Lordship's Proclamation, Either
No. 415