658 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
Paper 255 1/2
into a Law on Due Consideration thereof Wee have thought fit to
Dissent, to the said Act and do hereby declare the said Act Null,
Void, and of no Effect.
Given under our hand & Seal at Arms at London this Twentyth
day of July in the Twenty ninth year of Our Dominion Over the said
Province Annoq Domini 1743.
By his Lordships Comd Jno Browning, Secretary
p. 106
Additional Orders and Instructions to our Right Trusty & Well
Beloved Tho: Bladen Esqr our Lieutenant Governr of our Province
of Maryland.
Baltimore. You are not for the Future to Assent to the Division
of any Countys or County without a Clause being Inserted that no
such Law shall take Place until my Pleasure be Known
You are to Cause this our Instruction to be Regularly Enter'd in
our Counsel Books
Given under our hand & Seal at Arms at London this 2d Decemr
in the Twenty ninth year of our Dominion over our said Province
Annoq Domini 1743 C. B.
By his Ldsps Comd Jno Browning, Secretary
P. 107
Charles Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the province of Maryland
and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore &c. unto our Dearly Beloved
Benjamin Tasker of the City of Annapolis in Maryland Esqr
Know you that Wee the said Ld. Baltimore Haveing & Reposeing
Great Trust & Confidence In Your Integrity Ability Care & Circum-
spection as well as in yr Affection & Loyalty to His most Sacred
Majesty Person & Government, Have & by these presents doe Con-
stitute nominate & Appoint you the said Benjamin Tasker to be
President of our Council in Our Province of Maryland & doe Hereby
Give & Grant unto you the said Benjamin Tasker All the Powers
Authoritys & Profits belonging to the said Office in as full and Ample
Manner as any person here to fore hath or might have Enjoyed the
same, To have & to hold the said Office dureing Our pleasure
Given under our hand & Seal at Arms at London this Twenty
third day of Decemr in the Twenty ninth year of our Dominion An-
noq Domini 1743
By his Ldsps Comd J. Browning, Secretary
p. 108
Additional Orders & Instructions to our dearly Beloved Tho:
Bladen Esqr Our Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of Maryland
Whereas diverse Complaints have Been made to me of the many
hardships & delays that my Good Tennants have been Subject to by
reason of the Ill Practices of the County Clarks, and under Officers
Appointed by the Commissary to the several Counties for Remedy