Acts. 635
their Successors, be and are hereby appointed Visitors of the same
School, and shall at all Times hereafter have, hold, and enjoy all
and singular the Powers and Authorities, which the Visitors of the
several Free-Schools within this Province do lawfully have, hold,
and enjoy.
And be it further Enacted, That when and as often as any of the
Visitors aforesaid, shall remove from the County aforesaid, or shall
otherwise become unable, or refuse to execute the Office of Visitor
as aforesaid, that then and in every such Case, the other Visitors
atoresaid, or the major Part of them, shall and are hereby enabled
to meet, and choose one other Visitor in the Place and Room of such
Visitor, dying, removing, refusing, or being unable as aforesaid, and
so toties quoties, when and as often as the Case shall happen as
Provided always, That as well the Visitors herein named, as such
On Re-
moval, or
Refusal of
such Visi-
tors, others
to be chosen.
Visitors which shall hereafter be chosen as aforesaid, shall in all
things qualify themselves as the Visitors of the Free-Schools by the
Laws of this Province are directed and obliged to qualify.
An Act impowering the Vestry-men and Church-Wardens of King
George's Parish, in Prince George's County, to purchase Three
Acres of Land in the said Parish, to build a Chapel of Ease on ;
and to impower the Justices of Prince George's County to levy
on the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, in the said County,
the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Current Money, for the Uses
therein mentioned.
p. 37
Whereas, the Rector, Vestry-men, and Church-Wardens and sev-
eral other the Inhabitants of King George's Parish, in Prince
George's County, have by their humble Petition to this General As-
sembly set forth, that a great Number of the Parishioners of the said
Parish (being almost one Half) live at the Lower End of the said
Parish, and far remote from the Parish Church, a Chapel of Ease
was erected by a private Contribution, for their Conveniency, be-
tween the Branches of Piscataway and Mattawoman; which is now
so gone to Decay, that it is not worth repairing, nor is the Land
whereon it is built appropriated: And therefore humbly prayed that
an Act may pass, impowering the Justices of Prince George's County-
Court to levy on the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, a Sum
not exceeding Eight Hundred Pounds Current Money, by Four
equal and even Assessments, in order to enable them to purchase
Three Acres of Land, in a convenient Place, to build a new Brick
Chapel thereon, and which hereafter may be deemed a Chapel of the
said Parish, to be supported, and when Need requires, to be repaired
at the Charge of the Parish.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
and Church-
Wardens to
purchase the
Land for
said Chapel.