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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 629

to the Clerk of the same County, to be by him kept amongst the
Records of the same County.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall limit and ascertain what Fees their Clerk
aforesaid shall take and receive for the several Services by him to be
done by Virtue of this Act, to be paid by the several Persons taking
up the Lots as aforesaid.


Clerk's Fees.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
and every Person and Persons taking up and possessing the Lots
aforesaid, or any of them, shall be, and are hereby obliged to pay
unto the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, his Heirs or As-
signs, the yearly Rent of One Penny Sterling, for each respective
Lot in the said Town, by them so taken up and possessed, to be paid
in the same Manner as his Lordship's Land-Rents of this Province
now are, or hereafter shall be paid.

to be paid
for each

An Act for Dividing Allhallows Parish, in Worcester County, and
for Erecting a Parish out of the same, called by the Name of
Worcester Parish.


Whereas, it is represented to this present General Assembly, by
the upper Inhabitants of Allhallows Parish, in Worcester County,
that the said Parish is very large, and the Parish Church and Chapel
are at so great Distance from many of the Parishioners, that it is
not in their Power to tend the Worship and Service of God: It is
prayed that it may be Enacted,


And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That from and after the Death or Translation, which shall
first happen, of the Reverend Patrick Glasgow, the present Incum-
bent of the said Parish, all that Part of Allhallows Parish, begin-
ning at the Mouth of Newport Creek running out of the Sea, and
running by and with the said Creek and a Branch thereof, to the
main Road to a Place called Buckingham, and from thence down
the main Road which leads to Snow-Hill about a quarter of a Mile
until it comes to another main Road, striking out of the aforesaid
Road, which goes between the Plantations of Mrs. Mary Hampton
and Mr. Brickus Townsend, and Bounded therewith, as now laid
out by Order of Court, until it intersects Pocomoke River, all to
the Northward and Eastward of the Bounds aforesaid, which was
contained in the Parish of Allhallows, shall be, and is by this Act,
separated, constituted and erected, and made into a Parish, to be

Division of

called by the Name of Worcester Parish, from and after that of the
two Contingencies aforesaid, which shall first happen, by virtue of
this Act, shall be deemed, adjudged, reputed and taken for Worces-
ter Parish, and not as part or parcel of Allhallows Parish aforesaid :

P. 32

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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