622 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
Said Seneca
point to be
for a Ship-
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Commissioners for said Town
are hereby impowered to fix upon any Place at or near said Seneca
Point, convenient for a Ship-Yard to the said Town and Common,
and to agree for two Acres of Land with the Owner or Owners
thereof, which if they cannot do upon reasonable Terms, then they
shall cause a Jury in the usual Manner to be summoned and im-
panelled by the Sheriff, to value the said Land; which Value so
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assessed the said Commissioners shall tender and pay the said Owner
or Owners, out of the public Money collected and belonging to the
Public of said Town; and the said two Acres of Land shall for ever
be deemed to belong to the Public thereof: In Satisfaction whereof,
all Persons building any Ship or other Vessel on the said Ground,
above the Length of Twenty Foot Keel, shall pay to the Commis-
sioners for the public Use of the said Town, such Sum as shall be
thought necessary, not to exceed Six pence Current Money per Ton,
for License to build any such Ship or other Vessel thereon: And
that the Commissioners, or the major Part of them, have also Power
to lay out a convenient Cart-Road to the said Ship-Yard, so as to
do the least Damage they possibly can to the Owner of said Land,
and which Road shall be always kept open and free for the Use of
the said Ship-Yard. And to continue a Succession of the said Com-
missioners, for the good Order and Regulation of the said Town
and Trade thereof,
dying or
to act, others
to be chosen
by the rest.
Be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid,
That when and as often as any of the said Commissioners shall die,
or depart this Province, or shall refuse or neglect to act in the Exe-
cution of this Act, then and in any such Case it shall and may be law-
ful for the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, to meet
at the said Town, on the Tenth Day of May next ensuing such Death
or Removal, and appoint such other Person as they shall think fit, to
be Commissioner in the Room of him so dead, removed, oi neglect-
ing to act as aforesaid.
Provided, That at what Time soever it shall be made appear to the
said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, for the Time being,
that there are the Number of Twenty fixed and settled Inhabitants,
capable by Land or Estate to vote for a Burgess, according to the
Qualifications of the Laws now in being, actually dwelling and re-
siding in said Town, that then it shall be lawful for the said Com-
missioners, and they are hereby directed and required, on all such
Occasions that shall thereafter happen, to meet at Charles-Town
aforesaid, on the Tenth Day of May next after such Vacancy shall
be, and then and there by Vote of the said Inhabitants of Charles-
Town, so qualified as abovesaid, to choose or elect one other Person
or Persons, to serve as a Commissioner in the Room of him or them
so dead, removed, or neglecting as aforesaid; and which said Person
or Persons, so chosen or elected by Majority of such Votes, shall be
a Commissioner, and be authorized to put this Law in Execution in