p. 3
Chapter I.
An Act to encourage the destroying of Bears in Worcester County.
Forasmuch as it is represented to this General Assembly, by the
Inhabitants of Worcester County, that the said County is much in-
fested with Bears:
100 lb. of
Tobacco for
killing each
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That every Person who shall bring to any Justice of the
Peace of Worcester County, the Head of a Bear that was killed in
the said County, shall be allowed in the Levy of the said County
One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; which said Sum of One Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, for each Bear that shall be so killed, the Jus-
tices of the said County are hereby required and empowered to levy
How to be
upon the taxable Inhabitants of the said County, to be paid in the
same Manner as the Public and County Levies now are: And to
prevent a double Allowance for one Bear, the Justice before whom
such Bear's Head shall be brought, is hereby required to cause the
Ears thereof to be cut off, and it's Tongue to be cut out, and to give
a Certificate thereof to the Party producing the said Head.
Kilty, in
the Laws in
1799, wrote,
"This act
has never
been re-
pealed, but,
it may be
has ceased
to have any
Provided always, That it shall not be lawful for any of the Jus-
tices of the County aforesaid, to give any Certificate for any Bear's
Head (other than what shall be killed by an Indian), before the
Party producing the same shall make Oath (or Affirmation, if a
Quaker) that the Bear for which the Certificate is desired, was killed
in the County aforesaid, after the making this Act; nor to give a
Certificate for the Head of any Bear killed by an Indian, tinless the
said Head be brought to him whole and entire, and that it appear
to be green and fresh killed; any Thing herein contained to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Chapter II.
An Act for making a Chapel already erected in Prince George's
Parish, in Prince George's County, a Chapel of Ease.
Whereas, diverse Inhabitants of Prince George's Parish, in Prince
George's County, have by their Petition to this General Assembly
set forth, That they have been at great Charge in building a Chapel,
which is more convenient to the Majority of the Parishioners than
the Parish Church, and that the said Chapel will go to Decay if not
prevented; and have humbly prayed, that an Act may pass, for mak-
ing the said Chapel a Chapel of Ease to the said Parish.