know when and where he will Receive it. They return, and acquaint
Mr Speaker, the Governor will be ready in an Hour's Time, to
Receive the Address in the Conference Chamber.
The Bill entituled An Act to enable Richard Dorsey, of Anne
Arundell County, Gent, to sell and dispose of fforty nine Acres of
Land &c was Read the second Time and passed, and sent to the
Upper House by Col. Tasker and Capt. Selby.
The Bill entituled An Act empowering the Justices of Prince
George's County, to Levy upon the Taxable Inhabitants of Queen
Anne Parish &c. was Read the second Time and passed, and sent
to the Upper House by Mr Magruder and Mr Sprigg.
Ordered, that Mr Calder and Mr Waughop present the Address
to the Governor: They return and acquaint Mr Speaker, they pre-
sented the Address.
The Bill entituled, An Act appointing Commissioners for divid-
ing St. Mary's County, into ffour Parishes &c. was Read the second
time and passed, and sent to the Upper House by Mr Swan and
Mr Chesley.
Samuel Chamberlain Esqr from the Upper House, delivers Mr
Speaker the petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the Upper part of All
Hallows Parish in Worcester County, praying leave to bring in a
L. H. J.
Bill to divide the said parish, after the Death of the present Incum-
bent, Indorsed Referred from the Upper House of Assembly, to the
Lower House of Assembly.
Which Petition was here Read and Granted.
A Bill entituled, An Act for the Naturalization of James Richard
of Baltimore County, was brought in, and Read the ffirst and second
Time, by an Especial Order, passed, and sent to the Upper House by
Mr Pemberton and Mr Robins.
William Stoughton Esqr from the Committee of Laws, delivers
Mr Speaker an Ingrossed Bill entituled, An Act for the Speedy and
effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province, and for the En-
couragement of Jonas Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer;
which was Read, and assented to, and sent to the Upper House, with
the paper Bill, by Major Hall and Capt. Hindman
The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Meridiem
The House met according to adjournment &c.
The Bill entituled, An Act empowering the Justices of Prince
George's County, to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of King
George Parish &c was Read the second time and passed and sent
to the Upper House by Mr Wootton and Mr Swann.
The Bill entituled, An Act for Reviving and continuing an Act
of Assembly of this Province entituled, an Act, ascertaining the
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