504 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
L. H. J.
Mr Speaker left the Chair, and Attended with the present Mem-
bers of the Lower House of Assembly, went to the Council Chamber,
where his Excellency made the following Speech (See page 448)
p. 380
The Lower House Returned; Mr Speaker resumed the Chair.
The House proceeded to Appoint Doctor Carroll, Mr Joshua George,
Col. Colvill, Mr Stoughton, Mr Philip Hammond, Mr Calder,
Mr Robert Lloyd, Mr Nicholas Goldsborough, a Committee of Laws.
Mr Smith, Mr Magruder, Mr Worthington, Mr Pemberton, Major
Hall, Mr John Gresham, a Committee of Elections and Privileges.
Mr Smith, Mr Wootton, Major Henry Hall, Mr Thomas Mr John
Gresham, a Committee to enquire into the State and Condition of
the arms and Ammunition, and accounts relating thereto
Col. Colvill, Capt. Sheredine, Mr Pemberton, Mr Weems Mr Philip
Hammond, a Committee to Inspect the Accounts and proceedings
of the Commissioners, or Trustees for emitting Bills of Credit,
established by Act of Assembly
Mr Magruder, Mr Stoughton, Mr Wilson, Doctor Carroll
Mr Joseph Hall, Mr Nicholas Goldsborough, Mr Pemberton, Mr Os-
born Sprigg, a Committee of Aggrievances, and Courts of Justice
Col. King, Captain Sheredine, Mr Worthington, Mr Wootton
Col. Gale, a Committee of Accounts
The House Adjourns until the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock
May 2
Wednesday Morning May 2. 1744
The House met according to Adjournment. The members present
yesterday were called over and all appeared
Col. Colvil, Mr Thomas Wilkinson, Mr Calder, Mr Philip Ham-
mond, Mr Pemberton, and Mr William Wilkinson appeared this
The House taking into Consideration his Excellency the Gov-
ernor's Speech, Ordered, That the Committee of Laws prepare and
bring in an Answer thereto.
On Motion of a Member, that a Bill be prepared and brought in,
to provide Arms and Ammunition for the Defence of this Province,
Ordered, That the Committee of Laws do prepare and bring in a
Bill accordingly
On Motion of a Member, That a Congratulatory Address to his
most sacred Majesty on the ffailure of the late intended Invasion of
his Kingdoms, be prepared, Ordered, That the Committee of Laws
prepare and bring in such Address,
Ordered, That Mr Speaker Issue his Warrant to the Secretary of
this Province, to make out new Writs of Election, directed to the
Sheriffs of Charles County, and Baltimore County, to Elect New