sell and dispose of the Lands and Tenements therein mentioned to
be sold for the uses and Purposes thereby directed
28. An Act for the Relief of Francis OConner, Robert Noble of
Dorchester County Planters, Joseph Richardson of the said County
Shoemaker languishing Prisoners in Dorchester County Goal,
Thomas Joy a languishing Prisoner in Talbot County Goal, Cor-
nelius Mahany of Cecil County Taylor a languishing Prisoner in
Cecil County Goal and Robert Floyd in Queen Anns County Goal
The Engrossed Bill entituled an Act to remedy some defects in an
Indenture of Bargain and Sale made and executed by Michael Curtis
and Sarah his wife late of Saint Marys County deceased and Charles
U. H.J.
Carroll Esqr late of the City of Annapolis deceased was presented
to his Excellency but was laid by as thereof he would be advised.
After which his Excellency was pleased to conclude this Session
with the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly
Having given you sufficient Time to answer all the good ends
I called you together for, and having recommended to you the most
necessary Measures whereby to acquit yourselves with a becoming
Loyalty to our Sovereign, and with Honour to your Country, I
have the mortification to find you have been extremely wanting in
that Part of your Duty which to me seems of the greatest Conse-
I must own you set out with making great Professions of Duty to
his Majesty and Zeal for your Country; but how those Professions
have been made good the Journals of your House will too well tes-
tify; At this dangerous Juncture when we have Advices of an Inva-
sion against his Majestys Dominions in Europe, and of the Actual
Declaration of a War with France, and altho you have all the Reason
in the World to be assured Our Enemies on this Continent will leave
nothing unattempted to seduce from us the Friendship of the Six
Nations of Indians; you have denied to make the common and ordi-
nary Provision for the defence of the Province notwithstanding
the repeated Orders and Admonitions of the Lords Justices of Great
Britain to that Purpose and the full conviction of your own Con-
sciences of the necessity of such Provision and the Danger of not
making it. Vain will be the Assertion and it will in no manner
answer the Charge against you upon this Head to say you offered a
Bill that gave a fourth part more than was expected, Tis true such
a Bill was sent up, but it was so different from any Law ever made
in this Province, and you had taken Care to frame it in such a man-
ner, that you knew the Upper House could not possibly agree to it,
unless they would cooperate with You in renewing and confirming
a scandalous Calumny upon this Government raised by a former
Lower House of Assembly; the Falsehood of which I dare say,
there is not a Man of you that is not sensible of: Besides the Bill is in
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