. ply with the several matters above specified All which is submitted
to both Houses
P. Thomas R. King T. Sheredine
D. Dulany Tur. Wootton Thos Worthington
The Address of this House to his Majesty being read and ap-
proved of is as follows
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
The humble Address of the Governor and the Upper House of
Assembly of your Majestys Province of Maryld
We Your Majestys most dutiful and Loyal Subjects the Gov-
ernor and the Upper House of Assembly of your Majestys Province
of Maryland in Assembly convened beg Leave to express Our Detes-
tation of the late insolent Attempt of invading your Majestys
Dominions in favour of a Popish Pretender to your Majestys
Crown, in violation of the most Solemn Treaties, An Attempt which
had it succeeded must, instead of the Blessings which Your Majestys
subjects now enjoy under your mild and Auspitious Government,
have involved them in all the Calamities incident to Bigotry and
Slavery weakened the Protestant Interest in General, and deprived
it of its greatest support; But We hope and sincerely pray that the
same Providence which Protected Your Majesty in the day of
Battle, when your Sacred Person was so gloriously expressed in
the Cause of Liberty and for the General good of Europe will ever
guard your Majesty from the Machinations of your Enemies and
turn all their mischievous designs against You to their own Shame
and Confusion
We beg Leave to congratulate Your Majesty, as well on the
birth of the Young Prince Son to his Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales, as on the Marriage of her Highness the Princess Louisa
with the Prince Royal of Denmark A Race of Protestant Princes
descending from your Majesty cannot but give in particular the most
pleasing Prospect to your Loyal Subjects of having their Religion
and Liberties effectually secured to them and their latest Posterity
and in General to all who profess themselves Protestants of having
glorious Assertors and Defenders of their Religion and the Rights
of mankind
May Your Majestys Reign be long and Prosperous and may the
British Throne be ever filled with Princes descending from your
Majesty and inheriting Your Royal Virtues These are the sincere
Wishes and Prayers of
May it please Your Majesty Your Majestys most Loyal and
devoted Subjects and Servants
Tho Bladen Benja Tasker Presidt