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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 453

be brought in to raise a Sum of Money on the taxable Inhabitants
of the said County for building an Hospital and Work house at
Leonard Town in the said County The Petition of sundry the In-
habitants of Saint Marys County praying a Bill may be brought in
to prohibit the making of seconds or directing a certain quantity of
Tobacco to be burned Yearly; The Petition of sundry Inhabitants of
Talbot County praying a Consideration of the said Petition setting
forth the Advantage the Colony of Virginia has reaped by their
Inspecting Law for bettering their Staple, The Petition of sundry
Inhabitants of that Part of Stephney Parish that is in Worcester
County and that part of Allhallows Parish that lies to the East and

U. H. J.

North East of Saint Martins River in the said County praying that a
new Parish may be erected within the said Limits and to take Place
at the Death or Removal of the present Incumbent and that the new
Parish when divided may be called Saint Augustines Parish. The
Petition of the Takers up of the Lotts in Charles Town in Cecil
County praying Leave to bring in a Bill to enable them to erect a
Publick Wharf and Warehouse therein, The Petition of the Sheriff
Magistrates Grand Jurymen and others Inhabitants of St. Marys
County praying that an Act may pass empowering Persons to divide
the said County into so many Parishes as they shall judge conveni-
ent to be the future Parishes therein for ever, the Act to take Place
after the Death of the present Incumbents, The Petition of sundry
the Inhabitants on the Upper side of the Eastern Branch of Potomack
River in Prince Georges County praying a Bill may be brought in to
divide the said County near the said Branch and that A Court House
may be built near Wickhams Plantation or at some other Place as
the Majority of the Freeholders of the said County shall appoint
Referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly and
sent by Samuel Chamberlain Esqr
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning ten of the Clock

p. 6

Wednesday Morning 9 May 1744
This House met again according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday

Read the second time the Bill entituled an Act for raising four
Pence Sterling p hhd on all Tobacco to be Exported for purchasing
Arms and Ammunition for the Defence of this Province, and will
pass with the following Amendments; After the Word, raised in
the last Line but one of the first Page to the end of the Bill to be
left out, and the following Clauses to be incerted; Which said Duty
shall be disposed of for the purchasing of Arms and Ammunition for
the maintaining a Magazine for the better defence of this Province
and for the due Preservation thereof and paid to the Treasurer or

May 9

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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